Milko Marchetti with “Stuck squirrel” - „Uvízlá veverka“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Milko Marchetti)
Jan Piecha with “I’ll tell you a secret” - „Řeknu ti tajemství“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Jan Piecha)
Eberhard Ehmke with “Frog in a balloon” - „Žába v balónu“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Eberhard Ehmke)
Damyan Petkov with “Whiskered Tern crash on landing” - „Rybák při přistání“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Damyan Petkov)
Takashi Kubo with “Mafia Boss” - „Šéf mafie“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Takashi Kubo)
Scott Frier with “Get up and kill something!” - „Vstaň a zabíj něco“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Scott Frier)
Zikri Teo with “Time to cool off” - „Čas vychladnout“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Zikri Teo)
Sarosh Lodhi with “Wait Which Zebra Is In Front” - „Počkej, která zebra je vepředu“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Sarosh Lodhi)
Sanjay Patil with “The Rock Star” - „Rocková hvězda“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Sanjay Patil)
Randy Herman with “You’re not my mother” - „Ty nejsi moje máma“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Randy Herman)
Wim Bellemans with “Parrot fish likes to be washed” - „Papouščí ryba se ráda nechává mýt“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Wim Bellemans)
Sarthak Ranganadhan with “Smooching owlets” - „Hladící se sovičky“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Sarthak Ranganadhan)
Tapani Linnanmäki with “Shake ruffle rattle and roll”- „Třást, chrastit a válet“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Tapani Linnanmäki)
Ralph Robinson with “Gang of four” - „Gang čtyř“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Ralph Robinson)
Przemyslaw Jakubczyk with “Unexpected role swap” - „Nečekané prohození rolí“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Przemyslaw Jakubczyk)
Philippe Ricordel with “Easy fellas - Hajime!” - “V klidu hoši - Hajime!”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Philippe Ricordel)
Ingo Hamann with “Laughing out loud” - „Směju se nahlas”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Ingo Hamann)
Michela Bordoli with “Gecko fashion model” - „Gekon model/ka“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Michaela Bordoli)
Marti Phillips with “Are you kidding” - „Děláš si legraci?“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Marti Phillips)
Jörn Clausen with “Where do you think you are going” - „Kam si myslíš, že jdeš“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Jörn Clausen)
Leslie McLeod with “Hide and seek” - „Schovávaná“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Leslie McLeod)
Fred Amico with “The Pavarotti of Owls” - „Pavarotti sov“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Fred Amico)
Gabriel Rojo with “Smiley Elephant Seal” - „Usměváček (smajlík) rypouš sloní“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Gabriel Rojo)
Mark Meth-Cohn with “The Speed Skater” - „Rychlobruslař“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Mark Meth Cohn)
Kingston Tam with “Awkward smiley frog” - „Trapný žabí (smajlík) úsměv“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Kingston Tam)
Inés Godínez with “I am coming” - „Přicházím“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Kath Aggiss)
Kath Aggiss with “Song of the Zeisel” - „Zeiselova píseň“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Kath Aggiss)
Jose Miguel Gallego Molina with “Mantis Flamenca” - „Kudlančí flamengo“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Andrea Rosado)
Andrea Rosado with “In love” - „Zamilovaní”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Andrea Rosado)
Alexander Fine with “Peekaboo” - „Baf”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Alexander Fine)
Alexander Pansier with “Hello World” - „Ahoj světe”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Alex Pansier)
Christopher Arnold with “Monday Again” - „Zase pondělí”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Christopher Arnold)
Corentin Revel with “Cold Shower” - „Ledová sprcha”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Corentin Revel)
Arvind Mohandas with “The Contemplative Chimpanzee” - „Rozjímavý šimpanz”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Arvind Mohandas)
Artur Stankiewicz with “I’m too sexy for my love” - „Jsem příliš sexy pro mou lásku”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Artur Stankiewicz)
Christine Haines with “Saying my prayers” - „Vyřčení mých modliteb”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Christine Haines)
Charles Janson with “Otter Guru” - „Vydří guru”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Charles Jason)
Andy Rouse with “Alright Mate Back off- this is my bird” - „Fajn kámo, ustup - to je můj pták”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Andy Rouse)
Andy Rouse with “England Cricket’s latest secret weapon!” - „Poslední tajná zbraň anglického kriketu”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Andy Rouse)
Alexander Fine with “Holding on for a ride” - „Vyčkávání na jízdu”
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Alexander Fine)
Flynn Thaitanunde-Lobb with “Dancing To The Music, Rock guitar, Roly Poly, Weight Lifting - „Tanec na hudbu, rocková kytara, Roly Poly, vzpírání“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Flynn Thaitanunde)
John Mullineux with “Getting on, Holding on, Riding by tail, Surfing Mom - „Nasednout, držet se, řídit ocasem a surf máma“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (John Mullineux)
Simone Heinrich with “Furry Ninja Series - Toetp - „Série chlupatého ninjy“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Simone Heinrich)
Wendy Kaveney with “Did you hear the one about the? - „Slyšel jsi ten (vtip pozn. red.) o?“
Autor: Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards (Wendy Kaveney)