Martin Stranka, Česká republika, 'Dreamers and Warriors' (Snílci a válečníci). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Stéphane Anthonioz, Francie, 'L'homme est fou. Il adore un Dieu invisible et détruit une nature visible, inconscient que la Nature qu'il détruit est le Dieu qu'il vénère' Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Hikichi Masatou, Japonsko, 'Everyday Resignation'. (Každodenní rezignace). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Dhiky Aditya, Indonesie, 'Tarian Ikan Cupang'. Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Arvids Baranovs, Litva, 'A Dog and its Best Friend' (Pes a jeho nejlepší přítel). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Alessandro Zunino, Itálie, 'Wires and Pigeons' (Dráty a holubi). (Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Patryk Kuleta, Polsko, 'Gneisenau'. (Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Antoine Tiggart, USA, 'In Between' (Mezi). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Alexandr Vlassyuk, Rusko, 'A Walk On The Bike' (Procházka na kolech). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Kelly Ts, Řecko, 'Untitled' (Bez názvu). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Hardijanto Budyman, Indonesie, 'Polkadot on Memory Bliss' (Tečky na blaženosti mysli). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Alexandra Fink-Milosavljevic, Německo, 'Central Station Hamburg' (Hlavní vlakové nádraží v Hamburku). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA
Mariëtte Aernoudtsová, Holandsko, Little Mona Lisa (Malá Mona Lisa). Sony World Photography Awards 2019 - Shortlist
Autor: SWPA