Čtvrtek 25. dubna 2024, svátek má Marek
130 let


Every fourth Czech regrets 2010 vote


One in four Czech voters (and most VV supporters) looks back on their choice of party in the 2010 elections as a mistake, STEM says

Životaschopnost kabinetu zásadním způsobem ovlivňuje nedostatek autority všech tří předsedů koaličních stran. foto: © ČTKČeská pozice

Roughly one in four Czech voters looks back on their choice of political party in the 2010 elections as a mistake, the STEM agency said, as cited by the news server parlamentnilisty.cz; this is particularly true of those who voted for the “political center” or center-right parties.

“According to STEM’s research, above all this [regret] is present among those who supported the Public Affairs (VV) party. Of these, three-quarters of those polled considered the choice a mistake,” the server said. On the contrary, some 95 percent of people who said they voted for the main opposition Social Democrats (ČSSD) or largely unreformed Communists (KSČM) said they made the right choice.

Overall, more than three-quarters of respondents told STEM said they considered their choice in the past election as having been the “correct” one (with 34 percent saying it was “definitely” the right choice and 43 percent saying it was “rather” correct) while 6 percent said they “definitely” made the wrong choice and 17 percent said they “rather” made a mistake. In VV’s case, ‘only 22 percent were satisfied with their decision.’

As for past voters for the Civic Democrats (ODS), the main partner in the center-right coalition government, and TOP 09, a junior party in the coalition, 81 percent and 74 percent, respectively, said they made the right choice. In VV’s case, “only 22 percent were satisfied with their decision.”

The survey found that 29 percent would not know which party to vote for if elections were held now, and 6 percent said they would not vote for any of the parties now in parliament.

According to STEM, the breakdown of support for individual parties is as follows: ČSSD (22 percent); TOP 09 (9 percent); ODS (6 percent); KSČM (6 percent); KDU-ČSL (5 percent); VV (3 percent); Suverenita (3 percent); SPOZ (3 percent); Greens (2 percent).

A STEM poll released on May 19 found that Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas (ODS) is trusted by one-quarter of Czechs and the center-right coalition (ODS–TOP 09–VV) government by one-fifth, which was 14 percent less than in December.


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