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Uhynula jedna z nejslavnějších koček světa. Na Instagramu ji sledovalo 2,4 milionu lidí

Ve věku osmi let zemřela jedna z nejznámějších koček internetu Lil Bub. Na Instagramu měla skoro dva a půl milionu sledujících.

Lil Bub foto: Instagram Lil Bub

O smrti kočky informoval její majitel Mike Bridavsky právě na Instagramu. Píše to deník BBC. Lil Bub zemřela neočekávaně a ve spánku. Podle majitele trpěla kostní infekcí.

Kočka Lil Bub
Lil Bub se svým majitelem

Na sociální síti zvířete hned začali kondolovat tisíce sledujících. 

„Bub zapříčinila obrovský posun ve světě dobrých životních podmínek zvířat,“ uvedl majitel v příspěvku na Instagramu. Ten zároveň deníku BBC řekl, že kočce se podařilo díky své popularitě získat více než 700 tisíc dolarů na charitativní účely pro zvířata.

Uhynula nejslavnější kočka světa. ‚Mrzutá‘ Grumpy Cat majitelům vydělala miliardy

Lil byla známá zejména kvůli svému atypickému vzhledu. Měla baňaté oči, nevyvinutou čelist a žádné zuby. To byl důvod, proč ji neustále visel jazyk ven. Narodila se s několika poruchami, včetně trpasličích vzhledu, což zapříčinilo, že stále byla velikostí kotě.

Lil Bub zemřela sedm měsící po smrti Grumpy Cat, další kočičí hvězdě internetu.

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

This is my first photo with BUB next our last photo together. On the morning of Sunday, December 1st 2019 we lost the purest, kindest and most magical living force on our planet. BUB was cheerful and full of love laying in our bed with us Saturday night, but unexpectedly passed away peacefully in her sleep.. I have always been fully transparent about BUB's health, and it was no secret that she was battling a persistent and aggressive bone infection. Even knowing this, we weren't expecting her to pass so soon or so abruptly without warning. I truly believe that she willingly made the decision to leave her failing body so that our family would not have to make that difficult decision ourselves. It is impossible to put into words the profound effect that BUB has had on my life, on the lives of thousands of homeless pets, and on the lives of those of you that have cared for her as if she were your own family. She taught me everything that I know about unconditional love, she brought my wife Stacy and I together, she's the reason we have our beautiful children Rosco and Lula, and she has been a constant source of warmth and love in our lives for the past 8 years. To say that our family is devastated would be an understatement. But most importantly, BUB has made a huge difference in the world of animal welfare, and in the lives of millions of people worldwide. She has literally saved thousands of lives (both pets and humans), she started the first national fund for special needs pets, she was the subject of groundbreaking genetic and biological research, she's helped raise over $700,000 for animals in need, and has spread a message of determination, positivity, and perseverance to people all over the world. And even though my heart is absolutely crushed by her graceful departure from planet Earth, I know that her sprit, magic, and overwhelming energy are still with us, reminding us every day to be better. Dearest BUB, I will never forget your generosity, your limitless supply of love, or your uncanny ability to bring so much magic and joy to the world. I am forever honored and humbled that you chose me as your caretaker. Please visit all of us in our dreams o

Příspěvek sdílený Lil BUB (@iamlilbub),


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