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Rozečtěte se v angličtině s Lidovkami. Zkuste si přečíst článek, pomůžeme vám se slovíčky i gramatikou

Britská vlajka před Westminstrem (18. dubna 2017). foto: Reuters

Server Lidovky.cz přináší ve spolupráci s Englishka.cz netradiční letní kurz. Ocení jej všichni čtenáři, kteří sice ovládají základy angličtiny, ale chtějí se v ní „rozečíst“. Každý den vydáváme jednu zprávu z médií na aktuální téma se zvýrazněnými slovíčky, jejichž překlad najdete v doprovodném slovníčku. Na konci článku se naučíte víc o důležité gramatice uvnitř textu.

The youngest Black law school grad

Haley Taylor Schlitz made history by becoming the youngest Black American student to graduate law school at 19.

When Haley Taylor Schlitz, 19, donned her cap and gown and received her diploma from Southern Methodist University’s Dedman School of Law earlier this year, she became the school’s youngest-ever graduate, which places her among the small group of ultra-young law students.

Taylor Schlitz said she believes she is also the youngest Black law school graduate in the U.S. She finished high school at 13 and completed her undergraduate degree in education at 16 before attending Dallas-based Dedman School of Law.

Text pochází z agentury Reuters.

She said she wanted to go to law school to someday help improve the U.S. education system and plans to use her new Juris Doctor degree to focus on educational policy.

The American Bar Association, which accredits law schools, does not maintain an age minimum for students, though some states have age thresholds for practicing law or taking the bar exam. California, Florida and Texas have adopted 18 as their minimum age, while New York requires bar examinees to be at least 21.

„I’ve had a few attorneys who have said, ‚Well, I don‘t understand what the rush is, and there’s no way that you are going to fit in,’“ Schlitz said. „But I’ve also had a lot of opportunities offered to me because people are impressed with my accomplishments and resume.“

Dedman School of Law said in an April 25 statement that she is the youngest graduate in its history. Reuters could not independently confirm that Taylor Schlitz is the nation’s youngest Black law school graduate. Taylor Schlitz’s graduation stood out in a sea of law school ceremonies this spring, many of which are in-person events for the first time since before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Law schools are becoming more diverse, but progress has been incremental.


don sth obléci, nasadit si co

gown talár (univerzitní)

place sb zařadit koho kam

graduate absolvent(ka)

undergraduate degree bakalářské studium

Juris Doctor degree titul doktora práv

maintain zachovávat, trvat na

agethreshold věková hranice

take the bar exam skládat advokátní zkoušku

adopt přijmout

bar examinee student skládající advokátní zkoušku

attorney advokát, právník

fit in zapadnout

impressed with ohromený čím

accomplishment úspěch

resume životopis, resumé

graduation promoce

stand out vynikat, vyčnívat

diverse rozmanitý

incremental postupný

make up tvořit, činit

accessible dostupný, přístupný

predominantly hlavně, především

be in charge (of) řídit, vést

focus on sth zaměřit se na co

weigh zvažovat

Non-white students made up 31% of total first-year law students in 2014 and 33% in 2021, according to an April report from Ac

cessLex, a nonprofit aiming to make law school more accessible. „We need people of color in predominantly white areas,“ said Taylor Schlitz in an interview a few hours before her graduation ceremony. „We need to be having a seat at the table and have our voices heard.“

Taylor Schlitz said that although she had a hard time with her legal research and writing class during her first semester, she enjoyed being in a class with students of varying ages.

„In the real world, you’re not always going to have this hierarchy of, the oldest is in charge, like in public school,“ she said.

She said she is focused on taking the bar exam in July and will begin studying for it immediately after graduation. She also added that she is weighing job offers in Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas and Washington, D.C.


V dnešním článku jsme se setkali se slovem a few, ve větě: „I’ve had a few attorneys who have said…“

Výraz a few je tzv. kvantifikátor, který překládáme jako trochu, pár, několik a používáme ho s počitatelnými podstatnými jmény, např. „I’ve got a few good friends.“ (“Mám několik dobrých přátel.“)

Few (bez neurčitého členu a) překládáme jako málo (jeho význam bude tedy odlišný od a few) a používá se pro vyjádření malého množství, rovněž ve spojení s počitatelnými podstatnými jmény, např. „I’ve got very few friends.“ (“Mám velmi málo přátel.“)

Few a a few se používají i jako zájmena bez podstatného jména, např. „Many have tried, but few have succeeded.“

Doplňte do vět výrazy few nebo a few (řešení na konci článku):

1. I’ve had to look up quite … words in the dictionary. 2. Very … students learn Latin now. 3. There are just … ultra-young law students who graduate as teens.

Lekci připravila Englishka.cz.

Řešení: 1. a few; 2. few; 3. a few


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