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Byznys angličtina: Co prozradit v CV?

Server Lidovky.cz vám ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší další pravidelnou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Dnes se podíváme na vlastnosti, které zaměstnavatelé hledají u uchazečů o práci. Správné odpovědi k jednotlivým cvičením a test naleznete opět na konci lekce.
Pracovní pohovor  (ilustrační foto)

Pracovní pohovor (ilustrační foto) foto: Shutterstock

Fill in missing terms – skills, ability, knowledge:

In general, to understand these terms it is helpful to introduce and describe them at the very beginning. 1.________ can be defined as observable competencies, 2.________ as a competence to perform an observable behaviour and 3.________ as a body of information one possesses.

Fill in missing words. The first letters are there to help you:

A successful candidate for a particular position should incorporate all relevant information into his application. If you are wondering what the relevant information is about, be certain that 1. e________ is no longer the only relevant criterion for the positions. What is one of the most important criteria at present for employers, when searching for new employees, is 2. e_________ and 3. s_____  s______.

Put the verbs from the box into the gaps in an appropriate form:

perform            carry             possess             call

become            demonstrate            transfer

Soft skills 1.________ as important as hard skills these days for all job seekers as they indicate how the person 2.________. Job experience is essential for each candidate, it not only tells the potential employer where the person was employed but, more importantly, it 3.________ both the skills and abilities the employee 4.________ in combination with their motivation.

These soft skills are easily transferable and thus give an authentic picture of what qualities the person can 5.________ into the new position. Soft skills are for that reason also 6.________ transferable skills as they are competencies which can 7.________ over from one activity to another.

Fill in missing letters in the list of the most common soft skills:

 The most common soft skills a company is in general searching for are:

1. S_ _ o_ _     _ _ _ k     _th_ cs

2. _os_ ti _e     a_ _ i_u_e

3. Go_ _     _ _mm_ _ _ _ _ _ ion     skills

4. _i_e     m_n_g_m_nt     abilities

5. Pro_ _ _ m -sol_ _ _g     skills

6. Acting    as     a    _ea_     _ _ay_ _

7. S_l_-_ _ n_ _d_ _c_

8. Ability    to    _cc_ p _     and     l_ _ _ n     from     c_ _t_ _i_m

9. F_ _ x _ _ility/a_ _ p _ _ _ility

10. Working     well     under     _ _ ess _ _ _

Solve the puzzle to create more skills. The first letters are in capitals:

Among other skills that are positively valued are:

1. tttAeionn to details

2. aCcghino people

3. Creating a positive work environment

4. eiiocDns making

5. aDeeggilnt tasks

6. Handling complaints

7. Being a leader

8. Meeting aDendiles

9. Motivating people

10. goNanitiget

11. sibileRonsityp

Think of any synonyms to the following words taken from the text below:

CV = 1.__________

responsibility = 2.__________

receive = 3.__________

attend = 4.__________

Abilities as a part of your CV will demonstrate your competence and responsibility; they will exhibit your intelligence and indicate self motivation. Also they might cover profit oriented thinking, reinforce skills and abilities, they might show attention to details and show your leadership ability.

Concerning your education, mention the highest degree you have received and education that is relevant for the job for which you are applying. These are definitely university degree(s), language or any other certificates, seminars you attended or courses you undertook. Seminars or courses that you attended and are important for the application will show that you are still working on your development and that you are willing to develop your qualification.

TEST your knowledge HERE


Fill in missing terms:
1. Skills; 2. ability; 3. knowledge

Fill in missing words:
1. education; 2. experience; 3. soft skills

Put the verbs into the gaps in an appropriate form:
1. have become; 2. will perform; 3. demonstrates; 4. possesses; 5. transfer; 6. called; 7. be carried

Fill in missing letters:
1. Strong work ethics; 2. Positive attitude; 3. Good communication skills; 4. Time management abilities; 5. Problem-solving skills; 6. Acting as a team player; 7. Self-confidence; 8. Ability to accept and learn from criticism; 9. Flexibility/adaptability; 10. Working well under pressure

Solve the puzzle:
1. Attention to details; 2. Coaching people; 4. Decision making; 5. Delegating tasks; 8. Meeting deadlines; 10. Negotiating; 11. Responsibility

1. résumé; 2. accountability; 3. obtain, get; 4. to be present, to take part in   

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 20 městech ČR a v dalších 14 zemích světa.

Jako jedna z největších překladatelských agentur v Evropě se Skřivánek stal uznávaným specialistou na evropské a asijské jazyky. Zaměstnává více než 400 kvalifikovaných jazykových odborníků a nabízí odborné překlady do všech jazyků.

Kromě různých typů kurzů pro veřejnost zajišťuje Skřivánek i výuku na klíč pro firmy a jednotlivce, jazykové audity, pobytové a zahraniční kurzy nebo přípravu na jazykové zkoušky pro děti i dospělé.

Více informací najdete na www.skrivanek.cz.


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