Pátek 10. května 2024, svátek má Blažena
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Násilí v Keni asi končí, strany se shodly

Rozrůstající se násilí, které zachvátilo celou Keňu, by mohlo do 15 dnů skončit. Znesvářené politické strany se dohodly na společném plánu. Informoval o tom bývalý generální tajemník OSN Kofi Annan, který v Nairobi od úterka zprostředkovával rozhovory mezi tříčlennými týmy zastupujícími vládu a opozici.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


3. 2. 2008 7:07
USA Cina bojuje o ropu i v Africe

An unspoken but obvious corollary is that the US must do everything possible to prevent the Chinese from developing access to oil sources in Africa or in central Asia. The African side of this effort is easily visible in the US-UK agitation around Darfur: the attempt to orchestrate an attack on Sudan has nothing to do with humanitarianism (by the butchers of Baghdad!!), and everything to do with the fact that Sudan is one of the key oil suppliers to China, and will become an even bigger supplier as time goes on. The new US-AFRICOM, now in Stuttgart but soon to move to Ethiopia, is a key aspect of the US mobilization in many African countries to deprive China of future oil sources in that continent. The new US deal with Libya is another aspect of the same effort. In recent months, terrorist actions by al Qaeda in Algeria and the other countries of the north African Maghreb have indicated that especially Algeria, a large oil producer, will be subject to US-UK destabilization as part of the same anti-Chinese campaign. The destabilization of Kenya has everything to do with this same thrust. If the Chinese can be kept out of Africa, their dependence on the Middle East will increase. At some future time, London and Washington could close the Middle East oil spigot, and China might conclude that the only alternative would be to seize the oil wells of sparsely populated eastern Siberia, as Brzezinski's article suggests. That way one could get rid of both China and Russia, Zbig suggests. Hare-brained "geostrategic" scheming of this sort was an important cause of World War II.

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