Čtvrtek 9. května 2024, svátek má Ctibor
130 let



Olmert kvůli korupci možná odstoupí

Ohňostroje, vojenské přehlídky, koncerty, ale i barbecue party v parcích. Židovský stát si v těchto dnech připomíná 60 let své existence a jeho obyvatelé si dlouho plánované oslavy dokážou patřičně užít. Stát Izrael byl sice vyhlášen až 14. května, podle židovského kalendáře ale výročí připadlo už na včerejšek.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

nepreje nikomu dalsi ublizovani

11. 5. 2008 9:18
Moudry muz

On the 60th anniversary of the creation of Israel, Professor Norman Finkelstein with words that everyone should hear rman

Norman Finkelstein, who's parents suffered appallingly in the Nazi concentration camps. http://www.DavidIcke.com

Click here to watch ....

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11. 5. 2008 9:31
Proc oslavovat takovy stat?

Israel has maintained an illegal occupation and colonization of the West Bank and Gaza for 40 years. This includes 133 illegal Israeli settlements, 562 military checkpoints, 610 flying checkpoints, Israeli-only roads and settlements built on Palestinian lands, denial of residency rights, 11,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails and, just in the past 7 years alone, 35,000 more Palestinians were made homeless by home demolitions and land confiscations. The Gaza Strip has been turned into a large concentration camp where 1.5 million Palestinians (most refugees) are held in a desert strip with what the U.N. Human Rights commissioner has declared as "catastrophic" conditions.

Israel is funded to the tune of $5 billion (3 billion in direct aid, 2 billion other) from U.S. taxes and shielded from international law and basic human rights conventions by our government (e.g. 37 vetoes at the U.N. security Council). We thus hold special responsibility in this situation (and in the atrocities in Iraq that derive from it), which is not the same for example for Darfur, Sudan (where our government is not funding oppression but is actually at least verbally trying to stop it).

Israeli artists declared in 2002: "If the state of Israel aspires to perceive itself as a democracy, it should abandon once and for all, any legal and ideological foundation of religious, ethnic and demographic discrimination. The state of Israel should strive to become the state of all its citizens. We call for the annulment of all laws that make Israel an apartheid state, including the Jewish law of return in its present form."

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