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List of Seven U. S. Wonders


New York City, San Francisco‘s Golden Gate Bridge and South Dakota‘s Badlands were named to a list of seven U. S. wonders featured on ABC‘s “Good Morning America.Ž Also on the list were the Grand Canyon, Alaska‘s Arctic National Wildlife Preserve, Washington D. C.‘s National Mall, and the Saturn V moon rocket at the Davidson Center for Space Exploration in Huntsville, Ala. Huntsville is nicknamed Rocket City because the U. S. space exploration program began there in the late 1940s.

The show assembled a panel of experts to choose the seven destinations, which included manmade as well as natural wonders. The experts who chose the wonders were Annie Griffith Belt, a photographer for the National Geographic Society; Brent D. Glass, director of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Michael Roberts, executive editor of Outside Magazine, and three others. Viewers chose Yellowstone National Park as an eighth wonder in an online vote.

USA Today


List of Seven U.S. Wonders

wonder [‘wande] div, zázrak

gate [geit] brána

badlands [‘bedlendz] neúrodná půda

preserve [pri‘ze:v] chráněná oblast, obora

nickname [‘nikneim] přezdívat

space [speis] vesmír

exploration [eksple‘reišn] průzkum, zkoumání

assemble [e‘sembl] shromáždit, svolat

manmade [men‘meid] lidsky vytvořený, umělý

viewer [‘vju:e] divák

vote [veut] hlasování

O autorovi| Marta Pelechová, Stránku připravila
