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Izraelci protestovali proti Olmertově vládě

Přes 150 tisíc Izraelců se sešlo v Tel Avivu na demonstraci proti vládě Ehuda Olmerta. Účastníci chtějí vyjádřit nespokojenost s postupem vlády v loňské válce proti libanonskému Hizballáhu. Naplánované prostestní akce mají za cíl sesadit vládu.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


6. 5. 2007 7:16

9/11 Was Staged To Defame Muslims by John Kaminski <skylax@comcast.net>


August 30, 2004 Special to the Yemen Times

In addition to the millions of Americans who are protesting their nation's unjust and immoral torture of the shellshocked country of Iraq, there are also a substantial number of people in the U.S. who see through the lies of Zionist controlled U.S. mainstream media and believe the story told to them by their government about the tragedy of September 11, 2001 is merely another self-serving, nightmare fairytale meant to rally political support by the ignorant and uncaring for the continuing American/British/Israeli assault on the Islamic world.

Indeed, this small but vociferous minority of 9/11 skeptics believes that was the primary purpose of that awful day — to vilify Muslims in the collective mind of the American public and enable the Western war machine to increase its level of aggression against the Persian Gulf states without any political opposition at home. Half the plan seems to have worked. Few Americans initially questioned the official version of 9/11 and rallied round the flag, but now, as clumsy excuses for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq have been exposed throughout the world as blatant lies, even some of the most closed-minded Americans are beginning to question their government's dishonest behavior, even in regard to 9/11.

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6. 5. 2007 7:18
Re: Pravda

The deaths of many American troops, the sex crimes by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, and the scandals involving misappropriated funds by giant American corporations have emerged into mainstream discussion throughout America, causing not only shame but a reconsideration of the public lies used to start these wars in the first place.

Yet, exposure of these embarrassing revelations seems to have had no tempering impact on the behavior of the U.S. military. It is a sad barometer of mainstream thought in America that President Bush's chief opponent in the upcoming election (November 2004) talks in even more warlike terms than his war-mongering opponent, so that the rest of the world can expect no change in America's charge toward violent imperialism no matter who wins the election.

Still, a vocal minority in America continues its efforts to expose the deceptions that comprise perhaps the greatest threat to political stability the world has ever known, as the Zionist-controlled neocon cabal in Washington continues its efforts to usurp all the Persian Gulf oilfields by planning a series of wars throughout the Middle East aimed at accomplishing this objective.

In both the cases of the 9/11 tragedy and the Iraq war, the great unspoken influence continues to be Israel.

The principal figure in the 9/11 mystery continues to be Larry Silverstein, who leased the World Trade Center towers months before their demise and collected a $3.5 billion insurance payout shortly after their destruction. Silverstein was caught on video ordering the destruction of one of the undamaged WTC towers after the initial damage had been done, leading to speculation that the two main towers were wired for destruction prior to the event. Silverstein, an influential official of several powerful American Jewish groups, is known to be a telephone friend of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

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Jiri Janecek Seattle USA

5. 5. 2007 5:49
Jewish colonisation in Arab East Jerusalem - zidovska kolonizace Vychodniho Jeruzalema

The British Government has directly intervened in the controversy over Jewish colonisation in Arab East Jerusalem after the formation of plans to build an illegal settlement within 50 metres of its Consulate General in the city.

The British Ambassador Tom Phillips, has raised serious concerns with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office over proposals to demolish the empty Palestinian Shepherd's Hotel in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, and build apartments for 122 Jewish settler families in its place.

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5. 5. 2007 8:26
Strategie fasistickych vlad Israele

jak se da pozorovat uz celou dobu po zavrazdeni israelskeho premiera Rabina israelskym pravicovym  teroristou ktery se snazil o vyrovnani s Palestinci: zabirat dalsi uzemi, predstirat vyjednavani, vyuzit kazdeho incidentu ke zhorseni zivotnich podminek pro Palestince.

A HLAVNE: vyhnout se vsem jednanim o konecnem usporadani ktera by mohla ve svych dusledcich vest k jedine platnym a mezinarodne uznanym hranicim Israele z roku 1967.

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Jiri Janecek Seattle USA

4. 5. 2007 17:30
OLMERT ma 2% podporu volicu- a machinacemi se se drzi u moci

WHAT A DEMOCRACY! ten utok na Iran asi jiz tak brzo nebude aby se zachranil ... BuSharonistum se v posledni dobe moc nedari - 2% verejneho mineni! v malickem Israeli - to je jsou tak ti pro Saronovi pudlici na tomto forum ...

Mr Olmert's approval rating fell to 2 per cent after this week's damning report on his handling of last year's war in Lebanon. Mr Peretz is even less popular. Political observers believe Mr Olmert can hope to retain the leadership only by playing his would-be successors off against each other.

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4. 5. 2007 14:56

vlada by mela odstoupit,ale z jineho duvodu.zidi by se meli pokusit nastolit v izraelu konecne demokracii!!a ne tuhle zkoruptovanou theologickou oligarchii,kterou ja musim platit z mych danovych poplatku.prezident,min.predseda,min.financi,min.spravedlnosti,byvaly min.obrany a syn a radoby novy kral izraela byli a jsou vsicni ted vysetrovani a nebo BRUCELI neb BRUCI,as we speak.a soucasny min.obrany a sef gen.stabu by meli sami odstoupit pro NESCHOPNOST.spolu se vsemi poradci.jaky to rozdil v turecku!tam se da mluvit o jakez-takez demokracii,na ty bv pomery.ale tohle???achten liebe!!

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Jiri Janecek USA

4. 5. 2007 20:38
konecne demokracii!!a ne tuhle zkoruptovanou theologickou oligarchii - jako v USA

hele Boleslave - v tomto maji jiz USA naskok - konecne demokracii!!a ne tuhle zkoruptovanou theologickou Republikanskou oligarchii - byla to korupce republikanu - ne valka v Iraku - kterou americane odstranili v listopadu 2006 - to take vzalo Katerinku - ty spinave penize od Abramoffova

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4. 5. 2007 13:49


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4. 5. 2007 13:55

Korpetina ma pry na vikend uz zabookovany let do Avivu a veze 150K nalepek. Evil

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4. 5. 2007 11:35
Nacistický a komunistiký antisemitismus

http://www.euportal.cz/ShowArticle.aspx?ArtId=582" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.euportal.cz/ShowArticle.aspx?ArtId=582

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4. 5. 2007 13:12
Re: Nacistický a komunistiký antisemitismus

Jeste tam zapomel na jeden totalitni rezim: Sionizmus, ale jinak dobre

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4. 5. 2007 11:34
omluvám se Izraelcům za své lonské podezření

Já si fakt myslel, že tu válku připravovaly dlouho a hlavně dobře:-(

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4. 5. 2007 11:36
Re: omluvám se Izraelcům za své lonské podezření

Zdravím Tě občánku, mrkni na odkaz, bude se ti velmi líbit. http://www.euportal.cz/ShowArticle.aspx?ArtId=582" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.euportal.cz/ShowArticle.aspx?ArtId=582

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4. 5. 2007 11:32
JDE O VODU - Israel nema dost vody

protoze Jordan vysycha. To je jeden z duvodu proc Israel nechce vratit obsazene Golanske vysiny. A velmi pravdepodobne duvod proc se snazi destabilisovat Libanon. Valecnym cilem Israele ve valce byla reka Litani. O nejakem ohrozeni Israele hnutim Hisbollah nemuze byt rec.

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4. 5. 2007 11:54
Re: Soudruhu, nevymýšlejte si

Opravdu soudruhu Rysi? Opravdu? Ach Vy konspirátore. A co taklhe salva raket po celá 90.léta. 2000, 2001, 2002. Roku 2004 se Izrael stáhl z Libanonu a co za to doslat? Salvu raket! Opustil Gazu a opět zasypali palestinští Arabové Izrael raketami. Že nám neřeknete, soudruhu, že na palestinští ozbrojenci zasáhli raketami obytný dům izraelského ministra Amira Perece. Kdyby Mexičani házeli rakety na USA, tak je Anmeričané srovnají jedna dvě.

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4. 5. 2007 9:57
Byl Hitler Žid?

V Jewish Virtual Library http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitlerjew.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitlerjew.html , která je spojenou akcí americký židů a státu Israel (AMERICAN-ISRAELI COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE  AICE) je napsáno “One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is whether http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant. Adolf Hitler was not Jewish.“

To je česky „Jednou z nejčastěji pokládaných otázek, které dostáváme,  je otázka zda Adolf Hitler byl Žid anebo měl židovské přibuzné. Tato myšlenka výchází z možnosti, že Hitlerův dědeček byl Žid. Hitlerův otec, Alois, je regsitrován jako nemanželské ditě s otcem neznámým. Aloisova matka pracovala v domě bohatého žida a zde je možnost, že syn tohoto Žida oplodnil Hitlerovu babičku. Adolf Hitler nebyl Žid“.

Židem dle israelských zákonů se automaticky stáva dítě narozené z židovské matky, anebo člověk se přihlásí úředně k židovské víře. Což neplatí v případě Hitlerově.

Je ale veskrze možné, že Jewish Virtual Library informace o původu Hitlerové se zřejmých důvodů záměrně zamlžuje. A dokazovat opak si v dnešní době nikdo netroufne, protože by tím pravděpodobně riskoval vězení.   

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4. 5. 2007 10:12
Re: Byl Hitler Žid?

Hledající, pokládáte za nutné polemizovat o takové zbytečnosti?

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4. 5. 2007 8:05

nestyska se vam?

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4. 5. 2007 8:13
Re: Zidacci,

Pocem by se nam melo styskat?

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