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„Jsem chudák holka“

V centru skandálu, který donutil rezignovat guvernéra státu New York Eliota Spitzera, stojí dvaadvacetiletá prostitutka. Jmenuje se Ashley Youmansová a novinářům z deníku The New York Times vylíčila dojemný příběh o tom, kterak dívka z rozvrácené rodiny skončila na scestí.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


17. 3. 2008 9:01
Poskytovat tento, pravda, ne úplně morální druh služby,

a pak napráskat klienta, od kterého jí peníze nesmrděly?

Mám s ní stejně soucitu, jako podvodníkem, který se vymlouvá, že podvádí kvůli svému neradostnému dětství.Rv

No, ono jí to u spolupracovníků asi jen tak neprojde, takové případy ničí tento druh byznysu...

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17. 3. 2008 8:19

Far More To Spitzer Fall Than Meets the Eye

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17. 3. 2008 8:24

Far More To Spitzer Fall Than Meets the Eye

Tento zajimavy clanek a o celem zidovskem zapojeni v tomto deni je na http://www.Rense..org.

Spitzer byl shozen zidam. Ta Elitni organizce byla vlastnena zidama a maji to zorganizovane po svete. Spitzer kontroloval ruzne nesrovnalosti v ruznych zidovskych organizacich i financnich.

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17. 3. 2008 6:25
noatalgicke vzpominky

Pockejte, az bude zase Clinton v Bilem dome, jakou udela ta holka karieru.

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16. 3. 2008 14:59
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16. 3. 2008 18:36
Re: kdo za co plati...

Elita ma plan nicit Ameriku

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16. 3. 2008 6:07
no a co

je dobra tak o co  de ? ja bejt nim tak bych se s ni taky vyspal tak nechapu co tu maji vsichni za  kecy

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15. 3. 2008 19:30
Ne kazdy zid je zionista

Spitzer & The Bush Bankers By Ted Lang

The DC Madam scandal has been erased from the American public's radar screen by the Zionist-controlled "American" mass media. The Bush White House pedophile scandal is non-existent thanks to the Zionist MSM. And if one needs proof of the Zionist domination of our mass mainstream Establishment media, please go here to get up to speed.

The New York Times, gatekeeper for all broadcast and cable TV news, has yet to learn of the Downing Street Memo. And Cheney's direct involvement in orchestrating defense system "stand-downs" to facilitate the 9/11 massacre of Americans, and his criminally motivated exposure of Valerie Plame, are of absolutely no concern to the MSM. So why all the concentrated media focus on New York Governor Elliot Spitzer's long-term rolls in the hay with paid sex partners?

Even a novice news junkie that has only recently begun to understand the fraud and propaganda agenda of the "American" MSM can immediately notice something weird relative to the "exposure" of Governor Spitzer's addiction to high-priced prostitutes. Any normal red-blooded American male just loves women who can reduce down sexual pleasure to the simple exchange requiring only money. It is indeed the "oldest profession."

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uskutecnit 911

15. 3. 2008 19:33
Cheney zastavil obranu a pomohl

Consider all the previously cited potential block-busting front page headlines "missed" by "America's" MSM. Why the fuss over this? Even the exposure and resignation of former Governor Jim McGreevey of New Jersey attracted less mass media frenzy than this "news" event. It is clear that this exposé of the "evil" of Eliot Spitzer is a deliberate media-hyped fraud to remove from power that which is a serious threat to The Establishment's power elite.

Let US recall the directives for all disciples of Zionism as articulated in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Here is the applicable dictate from "the Protocols" as cited in Henry Ford's The International Jew, Chapter 8: "As always election campaigns are staged as entertainment, a diversion for the people; they are permitted to think and act as if they are really making their own government, but it is always the Jews that win. And if after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of 'scandals' and 'investigations' and 'impeachments' for the removal of the disobedient." Is this relevant to the Spitzer "scandal?"

Here's more from the agenda of "The Protocols" as illuminated by Ford: "Usually a man with a 'past' proves the most obedient instrument, but even a good man can often be tangled up in campaign practices that compromise him. It has been commonly known that Jewish manipulation of American election campaigns have been skillfully handled, that no matter which candidate was elected, there was a ready made sufficient amount of evidence to discredit him in case his Jewish masters needed to discredit him. To arrange this is part of the thoroughness of Jewish control. And, of course, the American people have been sufficiently trained to roar against the public official immediately [when] the first Jewish hound emits its

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15. 3. 2008 15:32
o těch, kterým pád předcházel

média citovala Spitzera:

Největší přednost nás lidí nespočívá v tom, že nikdy neupadneme, ale v tom, že se po pádu zase vždy zvedneme


gynekolog se optal ženy, která nechtěla další děti, zda jí nevadí anální soulož - ale přesto i tak nutně musí manžel aplikovat kondom. - Ale proč, doktore?  -  Copak vy nevíte, jak přicházejí na svět právníci ?

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15. 3. 2008 15:05

kurva má v záloze přichystaný dojemný příběh, jak se k řemeslu dostala - říci na férovku, že si chce vydělat prachy nestačí.

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14. 3. 2008 21:02
úspěšná američanka

vhodný typ pro naše mladé managerky -  asistentky senátorů , ojroposlanců i posran/ců českých .

Stačí pár kilo silikonu a je vystaráno . Angažmá z Hradu přijde automaticky za dva vajgly marjánky .

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14. 3. 2008 20:35
na armádě spásy ji to nezaujalo


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