Sobota 11. května 2024, svátek má Svatava
130 let


Kuba si na změny jen hraje

Americký prezident George Bush dnes kritizoval změny na Kubě po odstoupení Fidela Castra z nejvyšší funkce jako "prázdná gesta" a vybídl režim k opravdovým demokratickým změnám. Současně odmítl výzvy ke zmírnění amerického embarga vůči komunistickému ostrovu.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


8. 5. 2008 19:25
jeden z ctenaru na clanek -

Are we as Americans to become the Nazi Germany of the 21st century? FEMA Prisons, Patriot Act, Homeland (Fatherland) Security, wiretaps, so called terrorists around every corner? Goodbye to Freedom…Hello to Police State. The real terrorists are alive and well in our Government.

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delaji v mestech cviceni proti "

8. 5. 2008 19:29
Po severni Americe hlavne Americe,

Secretive FEMA Camp Drill Running In Iowa Lee Rogers Rogue overnment

May 7, 2008 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with other government institutions are currently conducting an 8-day anti-terror and disaster exercise from May 1st through May 8th called National Level Exercise 2-08 in the United States. We recently covered this exercise in great detail using press releases from FEMA and U.S. Northern Command as source material. We also raised the prospect of the government using this exercise as cover for a potential false flag terror attack. Considering the historical precedent of the government running drills on the day of the 9/11 attacks as cover for the actual operation, this 8-day long anti-terror and disaster exercise sparked some concern. According to the press releases from both FEMA and U.S. Northern Command, drills are slated to take place in Oregon, Washington State and in the Washington DC or mid-Atlantic area. With this in mind, it is incredibly strange to see reports from the Des Moines Register and the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier indicating that a secretive FEMA exercise is taking place in Waterloo, Iowa. According to these reports, the federal government has leased out the entire National Cattle Congress fairgrounds until May 25th for an exercise. Early reports indicate that a large number of mobile home-size trailers and generators have been moved on to the residence and that both FEMA and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are involved in this exercise. Considering the reported involvement of FEMA and ICE, the trailers and generators being moved in, as well as the secrecy around this particular exercise, this has all the hallmarks of a FEMA camp drill. The purpose of ICE being involved appears to be to round up illegal aliens so they can test the efficiencies of their processing procedures.

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