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USA mluví se Sýrií i Íránem

Spojené státy na konferenci o Iráku navázaly kontakt s diplomaty znepřátelených zemí, Sýrie a Íránu.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


6. 5. 2007 2:13
terminated beobachter bude urcite lepsim "valecnym" radilem..hahahaha

But last week a surprising new name joined the chorus of praise for the antiwar Obama – that of Robert Kagan, a leading neoconservative and co-founder of the Project for the New American Century in the late 1990s, which called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

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6. 5. 2007 2:12
lejnoslav bude mit urcite lepsi "strategii"...hahahahaha

Matthew Dowd, Bush’s chief campaign strategist in 2004, announced last month that he was disillusioned with the war in Iraq and the president’s “my way or the highway” style of leadership – the first member of Bush’s inner circle to denounce the leader’s performance in office.

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6. 5. 2007 2:10
lada2 da bushovi urcite vic..hahahaha

Tom Bernstein went to Yale University with Bush and co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team with him. In 2004 he donated the maximum $2,000 to the president’s reelection campaign and gave $50,000 to the Republican National Committee. This year he is switching his support to Obama. He is one of many

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6. 5. 2007 2:08
bush ale porad podporu ceskyho povlu...hahahaha

DISILLUSIONED supporters of President George W Bush are defecting to Barack Obama, the Democratic senator for Illinois, as the White House candidate with the best chance of uniting a divided nation.

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6. 5. 2007 1:21
bush a al-kajda maji stejny cil - zabit vic americanu

CAIRO, Egypt - A new video of al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader released on Saturday mocks President Bush and U.S. legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, saying the bill would rob the group’s fighters of the chance to kill more Americans.

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5. 5. 2007 18:19

May 5, 2007 - It’s hard to say which is worse news for Republicans: that George W. Bush now has the worst approval rating of an American president in a generation, or that he seems to be dragging every ’08 Republican presidential candidate down with him. But According to the" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">new NEWSWEEK Poll, the public’s approval of Bush has sunk to 28 percent, an all-time low for this president in our poll

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5. 5. 2007 16:15
protoze america is full of shit and hot gas!

In what has been called the largest gastrointestinal rescue effort in history, the United Nations allocated $1.2 billion in antacid relief yesterday for the indigestion-wracked nation of America.

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5. 5. 2007 16:40
Re: protoze america is full of shit and hot gas!

Neni divu, že America is full of shit and hot gas, když tam bydlí takové prase jako jsi ty, které neumí nic jiného, než znečišťovat své okolí svou virtuální a reálnou defekací. (Y)

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5. 5. 2007 16:14
pomoc je tady!

United Nations Pledges $1.2 Billion In Indigestion Relief For U.S.Gas-Bloated Americans Desperately Await Massive Antacid Airlift

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5. 5. 2007 12:36
Po chaoticke politice USA

ve ktere pomohly Iranu konecne porazit Saddama Husseina a jih Iraku je nyni definitivne pod vlivem mullahu z Teheranu hledaji hlupaci ve Washingtonu jak z brecky ve ktere se ted topi. Bez Iranu se z ni nedostanou a i ten drive verny spojenec Saudska arabie uz si nebere servitek. Kral Abdullah mluvi o invasi do Iraku jako o "nelegalnim obsazeni zeme cizimi vojsky". Saudove uz take maji dost masakrovani Palestincu a odsouvani jednani o zalozeni statu Palestina v hranicich z roku 1967. Syrane budou jiste radi s USA vyjednavat - ovsem za cenu vraceni Golanskych vysin okupovanych Israelem.

Takze pokracovani "prestavby Stredniho vychodu" je naprosty uspech - pro Cinany a Rusy kteri jenom prihlizeji a bavi se. 

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