Středa 15. května 2024, svátek má Žofie
130 let


Všechny americké státy vyhlásily oficiální výsledky voleb. Biden nad Trumpem vyhrál v poměru 306 ku 232

Oficiální výsledky prezidentských voleb do úterka vyhlásily všechny americké státy i federální okrsek hlavního města Washingtonu, přičemž v součtu bylo potvrzeno vítězství demokrata Joea Bidena v poměru 306 volitelských hlasů ku 232. Na svém webu o tom informuje deník The New York Times. Účast voličů letos přesáhla 66 procent a dosáhla tak nejvyšší úrovně od začátku 20. století.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Velmi jednoduse strukturovany migrant z Ceska Ivan Jemelka a spol. musi byt strasne zdecimovan, neb nejvyssi soud vcera smetl ze stolu i tu posledni zalobu texaskych pomatencu a podvodniku na anulovani presidentskych voleb.Je neuveriteklne jak si ten explicitne psychicky stigmatisovany podvodnik trump predvadi neustale jako absolutni jisty vitez voleb ackoli je to loser non plus ultra. USA s trumpem to bylo nestesti , ktere ma USA nastesti uz definitivne za sebou.Ale ani p. sefredakor LN nebude spokojen , neb se mu nelibilo , ze se deti u nas v zap. EU dle nej " ze trump neni dobry clovek ".

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The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid from Texas' attorney general -- supported by srew up Trump -- to block the ballots of millions of voters in battleground states that went in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

The court's order, issued with no public dissents, to dismiss the challenge is the strongest indication yet that Trump has no chance of overturning election results in court, and that even the justices whom he placed there have no interest in allowing his desperate legal bids to continue.

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Jak rozhodne nejvyssi soud neni sice jiste , ale je vysoce nepravdepodobne, ze by vysledek voleb USA, kde Biden vykazal obrovske vitzstvi -landslide victory anuloval ve prospch pomateneho Trumpa.A zejmena neni pravdepodobne , ze by se konservativni soudci supreme court nechali zneuzit tim udesnym primitivnim bakalarem , ktery presto ze inkasoval nejvysi prohru v dejinach US voleb se torpidne prohlasuje za jasneho viteze,V mladi jsem videl v CSR vynikajici film Thomas Becket , s Richard Burton and Peter o'Tool , kde Becket rika :"ja se nechtel stat arcibiskupem of Canterbury , ale tys mne k tomu prinutil a neni uz sily , ktera by mne primela k tomu , abych nejednal podle sveho svedomi."Analogie k Kavanaugh ,Gorsuch and Amy Barrett.

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The Supreme Court has 6 conservatives.

The court has thus far shown no desire to intervene in the presidential election.

On Tuesday, it rejected the plea from Pennsylvania Republicans to invalidate the state's presidential tallies. It issued one sentence and noted zero dissents.

Trump has suggested publicly that he hopes his nominees -- Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch -- will side with him on any election dispute. Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are also ones to watch. No justice is required to recuse him or herself from the dispute; Barrett, notably, did not recuse herself in the Pennsylvania lawsuit.The Supreme Court is going through standard procedural protocols, placing the case on its docket. Each of the four states responded Thursday afternoon. Pennsylvania's reply was blistering, accusing Texas of using a "cacophony of bogus claims" to support a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."

The court could act after those filings arrive or wait unt

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What do the Republicans want?

Essentially, to swing the election to Trump.

They're asking for the court to block the electors from Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, pushing Biden back under the magic 270-vote total to win.

First the court would have to allow Paxton to file the suit. Then the court would have to block certification of the Electoral College vote, determine that the four states had allowed massive amounts of "illegal" votes, have the states revisit their vote counts and then resubmit the numbers. The court could also, Trump's filing suggests, let state legislatures determine who wins each state or throw the entire election to the US House of Representatives,

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Although all 50 states have certified their election results and the Supreme Court swiftly rejected an emergency request from Pennsylvania Republicans to block election results in the commonwealth, the justices are now grappling with a new controversial bid from Texas, supported by Trump and 17 other Republican-led states.

They are asking the Supreme Court for an emergency order to invalidate the ballots of millions of voters in four battleground states -- Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania -- even though there is no evidence of widespread fraud.

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J82a52n 45V76i90n62t27r

10. 12. 2020 23:44

Nevěděl jsem že pacienti psychiatrických léčeben mají přístup k počítači a internetu. Ale soudě podle příspěvků pana T. Černého to zřejmě tak bude....

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P.J.Vinter , Sie sind der allerletzte minderbemittelte Dummkopf weit und breit ,so primitiv, dass s dem Fass den Boden ausschlägt und auf keine Kuhhaut mehr geht. Sie earen außerstande in seinem Leben sei es nur eine einzige Fremdsprache zu erlernen.Nichtsdestotrotz weichen Sie von dem überaus hochkaratigen Niveau der hier diskutierenden keibneswegs ab mit einer rarer Ausnahme von Herrn Wimmer.P.Vinter , nehmen Sie sich eine meine Empfehlung ans Herz : "es ist nicht schlimm dumm zu sein, aber dumm zu bleiben".

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I. Jemelka 3.11.2020 12:56

situace v USA je slozita - ja to zjednodusim : Trump volby vyhraje, Demokrate to neprijmou a budou prepocitavat hlasy, cernosi budou rabovat obchody a Demokrate je budou omlouvat a vykrikovat ze maji pravo na demonstrace !!!

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nad vasimi prispevky se vetsinou pousmeju ale kdyz jsem cetl toto "byvala ministryne spravedlnosti v California puvabna a velmi inteligentni Kamala Harris" tak jsem si ucrknul do kalhot ;-D

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Loser Trump asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to block millions of votes from four battleground states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.Trump's request came in a filing with the court asking to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seeking to invalidate millions of votes cast in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.Bachelor trump is being represented by a new attorney, John Eastman, who is known for recently pushing a racist conspiracy theory questioning whether Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was eligible for the role because her parents were immigrants.A screw up trump for weeks has pushed increasingly desperate appeals and baseless conspiracy theories about his second term being stolen.

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Cerny co by stalo komukoliv tam u vas v Nemecku kdyby porusil ustavu ?

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P. jemelka , nedovedu si ani v te nejbujnejsi fantasmagorii predstavit, jak by bylo mozno zmenit landslide victory of Joe Biden 306:232 s rozdilem 9 mil. hlasu pro Bidena ve vitezstvi trumpa . U lukasenka nebo madura ve Venezuele by to jiste bylo myslitelne nebo v Ruande ci Somalia , ale u toho bakalare trumpa v USA to podkladam za vyloucene.Ale vy , coby typicky cesky rasisticky migrant do USA si prejete absolutne nerealnou persistenz te kreatury trumpa.Vy jste takovy typicky cesky migrant , co se za tech 50 let v exilu nenaucil korektne napsat jedinou vetu v jazyce te ktere zeme. I u nas v nemcku znam takove ceske migranty , kteri nejsou ani po 50 letech v Nemecku schopni napsat korektne jedinou vetu v nemcine.Proto jsem se s ceskymi rasistickymi migranty at v USA Vaseho typu ci u nas v zap. EU nestykal.Az na vyjimky.

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co to tady proboha pisete za nesmysly - nezivite se nahodou psanim utopistickych pribehu ??

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