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Jak pečovat o zákazníka? Tipy a triky v další lekci angličtiny

Jako každé pondělí vám ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší pravidelnou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Dnes se dozvíte, jaké je potřeba vyvinout úsilí na získání a udržení cenných zákazníků. Odpovědi naleznete jako vždy na konci lekce.

Čtyři z pěti internetových obchodů podvádí zákazníky foto: Shutterstock

Read the following two paragraphs and match the meanings of these words with their (near) synonyms:

1. Vital                                    a. period

2. Extension                           b. constituent

3. Integral                               c. advise

4. Potential                             d. essential

5. Recommend                      e. companion

6. Associate                           f. an addition to

7. Era                                     g. possible

Customer service is the vital component of each company. It should not be taken as an extension but rather as its integral part. Each company deals with more or fewer customers and they are not only important as buyers of the particular product but they can provide information to other potential customers and share either positive or negative feedback. Consequently, they can recommend this company to their friends or associates and spread your good reputation. If you provide good service, the customers will also be getting back to you when they need your services again.

Customer service can be provided by a person or by automated means called self-service which you can meet in this internet era very frequently. But the feeling of personal experience is still very important as people need the human-to-human connection even at present.

Have a look at the following two paragraphs and fill in these prepositions:

prepositions: to (2x), on (2x), of (6x), in

Many companies tend 1)____ spend a huge sum of money 2)____ marketing, advertising and promotion but they disregard the importance 3)____ customer service and the amount 4)____ customers leaving because 5)____ poor care. The main aim 6)____ effective customer care is retaining customers and then the acquisition 7)____ new customers becomes quite simple.

Talking generally about good customer service, there are three key points. The people 8)____ customer service have to know their product, they have to be aware 9)____ and work 10)____ their body language and communication and they should try 11)____ anticipate their customers´ needs. Whenever you do a little more than expected, the customer will be surprised and will appreciate that.

Try to guess the principles of good customer service. There are some letters left to help you:

Customer Service Principles:

1. C..m......t
2. Cr........y
3. C....r.
5. R......b....y
6. R..ou...s
7. Id........t...
8. Q.a....

Customers should always have the feeling of being listened to, cared about and of being important and appreciated. Moreover, customer service should be aware that their customers are their "bosses”. They are the customers who pay their salary and make their job possible which is a good reason for trying to look for ways of helping the customers. Remember that in case of any troubles, it is the responsibility of the customer service to apologize and it does not matter whose fault it is. At present people do complain much more than a few years ago which is again influenced by the internet and mobile phone development as customers demand better and better service.

You can constantly work on improving the service by asking for feedback and welcoming suggestions on how the work could be improved. Overall, all the customers have to be treated with respect and appreciation the same as the company should treat their employees.

Look at the summary of the article below and fill in missing verbs:

verbs: reduce, establish, differentiate, increase, improve, assist, build, summarize

text: To 1)____ the whole article, the customer service code of practice will 2)____ to 3)____ effective customer service, 4)____ competitiveness of your company, 5)____ the offer via innovative customer services, 6)____ customer loyalty through positive customer service experience, 7)____ customer retention, 8)____ marketing costs and complaints and complaints handling resources and costs.

Test your knowledge HERE

Correct answers

Read the following... 1-d, 2-f, 3-b, 4-g, 5-c, 6-e, 7a

Have a look... 1) to, 2) on, 3) of, 4) of, 5) of, 6) of, 7) of, 8) in, 9) of, 10) on, 11) to

Try to guess... 1. Commitment, 2. Credibility, 3. Culture, 4. Competencies, 5. Responsibility, 6. Resources, 7. Identification, 8. Quality, 9. Feedback, 10. Continual improvement

Look at the summary... 1) summarize, 2) assist, 3) establish, 4) improve, 5) differentiate, 6) build, 7) increase, 8) reduce

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 22 městech ČR a v dalších 13 zemích světa.
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