Středa 15. května 2024, svátek má Žofie
130 let

Jak se připravit na obchodní schůzku? Poradí vám byznys angličtina

Server vám ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší pravidelnou pondělní lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. V první novoroční lekci se dozvíte na co si dát pozor při přípravě obchodního jednání s anglicky mluvícím partnerem. Správné odpovědi najdete na konci lekce.

Na obchodní jednání je třeba se řádně připravit. foto: Jindřich Mynařík, Lidové noviny

Careful arrangement of a business meeting will show that you are a good and professional leader who is able to show his/her organisational skills. To arrange a successful meeting will require a good time management and an attentive preparation. There are several tips which can help you to maximise your effort.

Fill in each blank with one of the words below:

words: issues, book, reminder, outline, confirm, agenda, purpose, responsibilities, arguments, aids, proof, majority

• Think of the 1)______ of the business meeting and write it down
• Think of the meeting time carefully and choose the time which suits the 2)______ of the participants, 3)______ the room in advance and make sure that you have enough seats for all the members
• Prepare an 4)______ with the topics you want to be discussed and 5)______ the time devoted to each speaker or to each topic. Ask your colleagues to go over the agenda and check the order, timing and structure
• Send the agenda to the participants in advance so that they have time to go over the notes, to look up additional information and 6)______ to support their 7)______. Along with the agenda you can also send any visual 8)______ or documents for the participants to study and read in advance. Also, you can distribute the hard copies of the agenda to the participants and bring the extra ones to the meeting
• Contact everybody to 9)______ their attendance and discuss their 10)______ as well as be prepared to offer help with any questions and support of the participants asked to present some key 11)______
• The 12)______ of the meeting should be sent 24 hours before the meeting together with any last minute changes concerning the time, location or agenda

Fill in the blanks:

Before the meeting starts, seat or have everyone seated at the table and sit at the 1)______ of the table. Your responsibility is to 2)______ the agenda out at the beginning and pass any handouts you have prepared for the participants. Have somebody write down the 3)______ of the meeting and control the 4)______ of the meeting. Try to minimize the number of participants to the necessary 5)______ and keep everyone involved.

Read this paragraph and choose whether the following statements are true or false:

One of the important parts of preparation for the meeting is refreshment and snacks. If you choose the right food, it can rise the effectiveness of the meeting as well. For example, fruit and vegetables will prevent the participants from dehydration and carbohydrate overload that comes with eating croissants and baguettes. Or you can choose cheese, crackers or pretzels. The snacks should be placed in the centre of the table so that they are within the reach and people do not get distracted getting up and walking around the room. Do not forget to prepare a plate, napkin and a glass of water for each participant.

TRUE/ FALSE _______ It is not necessary to have snack and refreshment during a business meeting.

TRUE/ FALSE _______ Fruit is a better snack than pastry.

TRUE/ FALSE _______ Fruit prevents people from hydration.

TRUE/ FALSE _______ Choose a special small table in the corner for the snacks so that the participants are not distracted by the food.

TRUE/ FALSE _______ Cheese or crackers are also good snacks.

At the end of the meeting, state the key issues again, remind the participants the dates when they need to be resolved and delegate to each participant their particular task or tasks.

Test your knowledge HERE

Correct answers

Fill in the blanks.. 1)purpose, 2) majority, 3) book, 4) agenda, 5) outline, 6) proof, 7) arguments, 8) aids, 9) confirm, 10) responsibilities, 11) issues, 12) reminder

Fill in the blanks.. 1) head, 2) lay, 3) minutes, 4) order, 5) minimum

Read this paragraph.. F, T, F, F, T

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 22 městech ČR a v dalších 13 zemích světa.
Jako jedna z největších překladatelských agentur v Evropě se Skřivánek stal uznávaným specialistou na evropské a asijské jazyky. Zaměstnává více než 400 kvalifikovaných jazykových odborníků a nabízí odborné překlady do všech jazyků.
Kromě různých typů kurzů pro veřejnost zajišťuje Skřivánek i výuku na klíč pro firmy a jednotlivce, jazykové audity, pobytové a zahraniční kurzy nebo přípravu na jazykové zkoušky pro děti i dospělé. Více informací najdete na
