Sobota 11. května 2024, svátek má Svatava
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Viktor Orbán: Samizdat č. 6. Ať žije evropská demokratická pravice!

Evropská lidová strana, politická skupina v Evropském parlamentu, se stala přívěškem levice, proto se maďarský Fidesz rozhodl z ní vystoupit. Nyní musíme vytvořit evropskou demokratickou pravici, jež brání křesťanství a suverenitu národů.

Evropský parlament, Štrasburg Wikimedia Commons foto: Česká pozice

Fidesz has left the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament. It has refused to accept that the rights of Members of the European Parliament – and thus the rights of Hungarian voters – be restricted by an amendment of the Group’s statutes.

While we here in Hungary – and other leaders in their own countries – are literally fighting a life-and-death battle against the coronavirus, the EPP is indulging itself in power games within the bubble of bureaucrats in Brussels. This is unacceptable.

Left bonfires in celebration

Our exit from the Group also opens up a new perspective in European politics. It is widely known that we Hungarians wanted to return the EPP – which is in continuous retreat, jettisoning its political values, as if from a sinking airship – to its former position as Europe’s leading intellectual and political force. We wanted to return it to being a large, strong, democratic formation of the right, which could bring together centrist, conservative and traditional Christian democratic parties and their voters into a great shared political home.

On the issues of migration, family values and national sovereignty – in other words, the great issues of our age – there is no longer any difference between the EPP and the European left. There is good reason for parties on the European left and their leaders to light bonfires in celebration.

On third March this opportunity was lost. The EPP has finally become an annexe of the European left. On the issues of migration, family values and national sovereignty – in other words, the great issues of our age – there is no longer any difference between the EPP and the European left. There is good reason for parties on the European left and their leaders to light bonfires in celebration: they have expanded their numbers with the addition of another party.

Our task is clear. Now – without the EPP – we must build a European democratic right that offers a home to European citizens who do not want migrants, who do not want multiculturalism, who have not descended into LGBTQ lunacy, who defend Europe’s Christian traditions, who respect the sovereignty of nations, and who see their nations not as part of their past, but as part of their future. The time for this has come. Long live the democratic right! Fortes Fortuna adiuvat!


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