Pondělí 6. května 2024, svátek má Radoslav
130 let


The White House Nostalgia


Laura Bush reminisced about her eight years at the White House

In an informal talk far more wide ranging than at previous holiday sessions — one year Mrs. Bush answered only two questions — she went well beyond why the red, white and blue theme was chosen for this year’s Christmas (patriotism), the elaborate menus that call for 300 pounds of cheesy grits and 22,000 cookies and how, in keeping with the economy, she and the president would carefully spend their Christmas money on a house in Dallas in January.

“It’s the people I will miss most,” she said nostalgically. The house, too. “It’s been a privilege to live here and to be steward of all the fabulous things that are in this house,” Mrs. Bush said. “I’ve loved having a chance to learn about everyone who’s lived here before through their effects, through the ways they decorated the house, or the furniture they left,” she said.

Transition “When both George and me walked through all of these rooms, we’re very aware of all the presidents before us.” And the ones to come shortly.

“There was something actually very nostalgic about having Mrs. Obama come,” Mrs. Bush said, “because I remembered so well taking the tour of the White House with Mrs. Clinton, what she said to me and then what that reminded me to tell Michelle Obama as we toured.” The information about a window in the first lady’s dressing room with views of the Rose Garden came from the president’s mother, Barbara Bush. Hillary Rodham Clinton passed it on to Laura Bush: “Your mother-in-law told me, when she gave me the tour, to be sure and look out this window, that she liked to look out over there and see what George was doing.” Laura Bush also mentioned the tour the president gave Presidentelect Barack Obama, dutifully showing him his closet and bathroom. Then she added that the bicycle-riding president and the basketball-playing presidentelect had “rushed upstairs to look at the gym.”

Along with the nostalgia, Mrs. Bush said she was “looking forward to another life, the afterlife, I’ve been calling it,” when things would be more normal. She added, “I might even be doing the cooking myself.”


The New York Times

The White House Nostalgia

reminisce [remi‘nis] vzpomínat na

informal [in‘fo:ml] neformální, přátelský, nenucený

talk [to:k] povídání, hovor

wide ranging [waid ‘reindži?] rozsáhlý

previous [‘pri:vios] předchozí, dřívější

session [‘sešn] sezení, sedění; zasedání

theme [°i:m] téma, námět

patriotism [‘pntriotizm] vlastenectví

elaborate [i‘lnborot] důkladný, propracovaný

pound [paund] libra (cca 0, 454 kg)

cheesy (-ie-) [‘či:zi] sýrovitý, tvarohovitý

grits [grits] krupice, kaše

cookie [‘kuki] sušenka, keks

carefully [‘keofoli] opatrně, rozvážně

privilege [‘privolidž] právo, výsada, privilegium

steward [‘stju:od] hospodář, správce

fabulous [‘fnbjulos] báječný, fantastický

effect [i‘fekt] vliv, účinek

furniture [‘fo:ničo] nábytek

transition [trnn‘zišn] přechod

shortly [‘šo:tli] zakrátko, zanedlouho

tour [tuo] udělat prohlídku, prohlédnout si

view [vju:] výhled, pohled

pass on [pa:s on] předat dál, přenést

mother-in-law [‘ma¸orinlo:] tchyně

mention [‘menšn] zmínit, připomenout

dutifully [‘dju:tifli] svědomitě, oddaně

closet [‘klozit] kumbál, oblékárna; záchod

bicycle-riding [baisikl‘raidi?] jezdící na kole

rush [raš] spěchat

gym [džim] tělocvična, posilovna

along with [o‘lo? wi¸] spolu s

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