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Byznys angličtina: Work Environment

Zaměstnanci (ilustrační foto)

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I toto pondělí vám server ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší pravidelnou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Dnešním tématem je prostředí na pracovišti. Správné odpovědi k jednotlivým cvičením a test naleznete na konci lekce.

Read through the text and choose the best options to fill in the gaps:

Your workplace can in general be anywhere, in an office, at home, in the living room, in an open-space office but it should 1.________ the basic criteria of good and productive work environment.

One of the basic criteria is the level of noise within your workplace. Noise has never had really positive effect and not only can it cause 2.________ damage but it can increase levels of stress.

Another important element is ventilation which can improve respiration and effectiveness of the removal of 3.________ heat. Even though it also seems to be a good solution, 4.________ is not as effective as an open window as it can carry germs and impurities; additionally people frequently suffer 5.________ laryngitis when it is switched on.

1. a) fulfil b) fill inc) fill out
2. a) listeningb) hearingc) acoustic
3. a) accessb) excessc) axcess
4. a) air conditionb) airing conditionc) air conditioning
5. a) fromb) withc) of

Read through the following paragraph and try to fill in missing numbers:

The minimum temperature for sedentary work environment is suggested to be at least 1.________ degrees Celsius and at maximum 2.________ degrees Celsius and from 3.________ degrees till 4.________ degrees Celsius for work involving some physical effort. If there need to be lower temperatures at workplace because of particular reasons, workers should be provided with appropriate clothing and should have extra work pauses.

Fill in missing words. The first letter is there to help you:

The last marker is the level of stress. Any of the above criteria, if they do not 1. f_______ as they should, can increase significantly the level of stress and 2. c_______ have negative effect on workers. But they are not the only factors 3. c_______ stress; it can be the 4. p_______ of working, the payment system, the 5. n________ of work, 6. b_______ of other employees and so on.

Hostile work environment can be really off-putting especially when employees suffer from harassment or fear going to work because of one reason or another.

Fill in missing words. Choose from the box below:

regain     consideration     reliable     consistency     expect

importance     valued     do     mission      suggestions

To create positive work environment, it is of high 1.________ to build trust as it is one of the essential things for building such environment. Trustful environment is about showing your employees that you are 2.________, responsible and accountable and that they can count on you for 3.________. If the trust is broken at workplace, it takes very long time to 4.________ it.

Open and positive communication is another element that supports good work environment. Each employee needs to feel 5.________, listened to and respected. Everybody should be familiar with the work ethics, philosophy and 6.________ statements. Moreover, it is important to discuss these with employees and ask about their opinion. They should feel their opinions, 7.________ and ideas are taken into 8.________.

Remember as well that people generally will perform in the way the others 9.________ them to perform. In other words, expect the best from your staff and they will try to 10.________ their best to fulfil the expectations.

Put the conjunctions and prepositions from the box into the gaps:

if (3x)       and (2x)      on     as      but      by      in      for      of

The last but not the least should be the team spirit. There is better performance 1.________ your employees 2.________ they feel they are a part of a team. As a boss, give your employees credit 3.________ success 4._______ take responsibility for their failure 5.________ it is your job to train them and guide them. 6.________ things do not go well, it is your responsibility to give your staff further directions 7.________ training.

Creating positive work environment depends 8.________ two major things, the physical environment as such 9.________ the environment the boss and other co-workers can create. An approachable boss who can support their employees and create positive atmosphere 10.________ the team will stimulate much better results and cooperation. 11.________ this atmosphere is supported 12.________ clean, attractive and cheerful physical environment, the team should be positively motivated and as efficient as possible.

TEST your knowledge HERE


Choose the best options to fill in the gaps:
1. a) fulfil; 2. b) hearing; 3. b) excess; 4. c) air conditioning; 5. a) from

Fill in missing numbers:
1. 20; 2. 27; 3. 14; 4. 26

Fill in missing words:
1. function; 2. consequently; 3. causing; 4. pace; 5. nature; 6. behaviour

Fill in missing words (from the box):
1. importance; 2. reliable; 3. consistency; 4. regain; 5. valued; 6. mission; 7. suggestions; 8. consideration; 9. expect; 10. do

Conjunctions and prepositions:
1. of; 2. if; 3. for; 4. but; 5. as; 6. If; 7. and; 8. on; 9. and; 10. in; 11. If; 12. by

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 20 městech ČR a v dalších 14 zemích světa.

Jako jedna z největších překladatelských agentur v Evropě se Skřivánek stal uznávaným specialistou na evropské a asijské jazyky. Zaměstnává více než 400 kvalifikovaných jazykových odborníků a nabízí odborné překlady do všech jazyků.

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