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Czech porno shot at Vatican’s Prague Embassy

  •   15:43

Czech doctor Jaroslav Barták, who faces rape charges, starred as a Cardinal in erotic film partially shot at Vatican Embassy in Prague

A high-profile Czech doctor arrested last month for allegedly sexually abusing up to a dozen of his former personal assistants, many of whom he hired through a bogus casting call, has been discovered to have played the role of a randy Cardinal in a historical-erotic film — partially shot at the Vatican’s Embassy in Prague.

Dr Jaroslav Barták — a politically well-connected former local Lion’s Club chapter president who describes himself as a devout Catholic — faces charges of rape, sexual harassment, blackmail, unlawful imprisonment and the unauthorized production and handling of narcotic and psychotropic substances, among other lesser charges.

Some 12 women, mostly his former assistants, have come forward with rape charges. According to commercial station TV Nova, which has obtained the pornographic film starring Barták, the director and producer was František Jílek, who ran the casting agency through which the doctor recruited his female assistants.

According to actor Oldřich Bareš, who worked on the unfinished porno, shot this spring, it was Barták who arranged access to the Vatican’s Embassy in Prague (the Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See). 

A nun begs the Cardinal, played by Dr Barták, for mercy (refresh your browser if video isn’t visible)

One woman who appeared in the film, which has the working title “The Freemason Giacomo Casanova” (Svobodný zednář Giacomo Casanova), told TV Nova that Barták had wanted to shoot a scene in which he raped a nun on the premises of the Vatican Embassy. No actual sex scenes were filmed there, however.

Monika Vývodová, a spokeswoman for the Czech Bishop’s Conference and the Vatican Embassy, said the Czech doctor had gained access to the historic building under false premises.

“Dr Barták was granted access to the Nunciature as a physician providing medical care due to the suspicion of the presence of a serious disease,” she said in a press release sent to Czech Position. “[He] abused that trust and access to stage morally objectionable visual images, to which, as a representative of the faithful, the Apostolic Nunciature strongly protests.”

See related story: Police long knew of sex abuse claims against Czech doctor

Autor: Brian Kenety