130 let


Boje v Gaze: 18 mrtvých

Při izraelsko-palestinských ozbrojených střetech přišlo o život nejméně 18 lidí. Jde o největší boje od loňského léta. Na severu pásma Gazy izraelští vojáci zabili 17 Palestinců a později jeden palestinský odstřelovač zastřelil ekvádorského dobrovolníka pracujícího na poli v jižním Izraeli. V boji s Izraelci byl zabit i syn jednoho z vůdců Hamásu.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


18. 1. 2008 2:20

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1234806136045739037&q=nablus+2002&total=11&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Israeli War Crimes on Civilians - Vid

s Bushovskou pomoci

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Jiri Janecek USA - Seattle

17. 1. 2008 20:20
A MRTVYCH PRIBYVA - Israelska genocida pokracuje

Po Bushove "Middle East" mirove ceste. A v USA ekonomie jede na 120% - budeme muset dat nejake tax ulevy pro Goldman-Sax - kteri s prateli vystaveli ty domecky pro chude a barevne.

DOW dolu 2000 NASDAQ dolu 400 (20%) - a dno neni v dohledu

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Jiri Janecek USA - Seattle

17. 1. 2008 20:27
dolar vladne -

a dolar? Z neho Bush udelal junk currency - ztratil 30% plus hodnoty - ale CR si bude moci dovolit vice "ikvalitnich" filmu z Hollywoodu.

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Jiri Janecek USA - Seattle

17. 1. 2008 19:57
ty rakety na Israel? to jsou pro Fatah/Israelske skupiny

jsou to veskere pro Fatah bojuvky v Gaze - strategie - Izrael nam vybojuje Gazu zpet. Nejak se zapomina ze Hamas vyzval k pirmeri s Izraelem (Izrael odmitt) - a USA nastrkala Fatah pres $20 milionu ve zbranich (s podporou Izraele) na svrzeni zvolene vlady.

Ovsem to jim nevyslo a ted ty zbrane a Gaza jsou v rukou Hamasu - demokracie skoncila a Abbas (USraelsky agent) vladne s prezidentskyma dekretama.


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17. 1. 2008 20:25
Re: ty rakety na Israel? to jsou pro Fatah/Israelske skupiny

Nevim Janecku proc stale zatezujes ceskou diskusi svym blabolenim kdyz se to Cechu moc netyka a asi tezko zajima.  Pis tyhle blaboly do diskuse v Americe, anglicky snad umis.

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17. 1. 2008 19:28
jen Amerika je pro pouzivani techto

US insists cluster bombs not bad if used right

'Cluster bombs, which nearly 100 countries are seeking to ban, should not be considered bad as long as states involved in conflicts use them responsibly, a senior United States official said on Wednesday.

The official, who declined to be identified, also told a background briefing that Washington was planning to create a "quick reaction force", or QRF, to handle threats to civilians from remnants of war, like cluster bombs. The official's remarks, which could not be quoted directly, clearly confirmed that Washington -- like Russia, China and some other powers -- remained opposed to banning the weapon.'

http://uk.reuters.com/article/homepageCrisis/idUKL16822789._CH_.242020080116" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Read more ...

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17. 1. 2008 9:12
Co to je za exota ?

Pomerne delsi dobu jsem se sem nedostal, co to je za exota to So ? Jsem v uzasu.....

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17. 1. 2008 11:16
Re: Co to je za exota ?

So je legenda místních diskusí, věřící na celosvětové staletí trvající spiknutí sionistů, iluminátů a ještírků a obohacuje naše znalosti o velké množstí "evidencí", jež jsou stěží na úrovni středoškolského recesistického časopisu.

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Re: Bidlo

17. 1. 2008 8:46
Vice informaci

http://smokingmirrors.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">My Thoughts are too Dangerous to Speak

Let me see if I have got this right, somebody fired a lot of rockets into empty lots in Siderot and Olmert (he whose face looks like a grinning skull) ordered some murders. Oh they blame these things on Hizbollah and they blame them on Hamas but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that it’s the IDF that likes to launch rockets into empty lots.

Posted http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_dictatorship.html#076802" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Jan 16, 2008 01:08 PM PST

Category: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_dictatorship.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">DICTATORSHIP

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17. 1. 2008 8:47
Re: Vice informaci

Ptal jsem se na něco jiného.

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17. 1. 2008 8:28
to So

So, můžeš nám popravdě sdělit kde a kolik odpálili kérovci atomovek? To víš, my máme k disposici pouze censurované informace takže nemůžeme mít evidence tvých kvalit.

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17. 1. 2008 10:10
Re: to So

Dovolim si odpovedet za So, ackoli mi zakazala cist jeji evidence: pocet atomovek sice neni znamy, ale "Afganistan ma nesmirne znicenou zem, rozmlacene hory, jelikoz se tam hlavne pouzivaly atomovky a lidi byli svedci  velkych houbovych vyparu jak se i stalo v atomovych vybusich v Japonsku."

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17. 1. 2008 8:08
A kdo jeste mel zidovskou krev?

Wednesday, 16 January 2008 WW2 leaders and their bloodlines


http://judicial-inc.biz/Bush_Mossad11.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Read more ... 

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žaba(k) na prameni

17. 1. 2008 8:18
Re: A kdo jeste mel zidovskou krev?

Sakra jakou to haťmatilku nesmyslnou tady používáte? Není to náhodou mrtvý  anglosaský podřadný a primitivní jazyk?

Pro příště pište srozumitelně a používejte arabštinu, nebo čínštinu !!

Salám alejkum, salám všem šejkum.......(Y)

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Lhali o iranskych lodkach

17. 1. 2008 7:47
arabske staty prechazeji k Iranu

President Bush's moderate Gulf allies began to backpedal away rapidly from overtly supporting America, once the Pentagon admitted that the report of Iranian speedboats harassing U.S. naval ships never happened!

NEWS BRIEF: http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/JA16Ak02.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Gulf allies turn their backs on Bush ", Asia Times, January 16, 2008

"So, it was Filipino Monkey, after all. The Pentagon has admitted that the footage of the famous incident of January 6 when five speedboats of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) 'buzzed' three US Navy warships in the Strait of Hormuz could have been compromised ... the Iranian footage of the 'incident' makes a laughing stock of the US administration. The funny thing is, it was an incident that didn't happen."

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Lhali i o N.Vietnamskych lodkach

17. 1. 2008 7:51
58.000 americanu zbytecne zemrelo

One can only think back to the Gulf of Tonkin fiasco (http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=98" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">August, 1964), where American naval officials falsely claimed that their ships were attacked by North Vietnamese speed boats in the Gulf on Tonkin.

Historians know realize that this "attack" never happened, but was totally fabricated by American authorities. Do you remember the disastrous results of that government lie? Congress passed the "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution", which President Lyndon Johnson immediately used to build up American forces in the South Vietnamese theater to about 550,000 men.

From that moment to the final conflict in 1975 which lead to the complete victory for North Vietnam, over 58,000 American servicemen died needlessly, many more tens of thousands were permanently disabled, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War#The_End_of_the_War.2C_1973-1975" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">over 2 million South Vietnamese civilians died.

Don't you think that was a high price to pay for the lies of the Lyndon Johnson Administration?

Interestingly, as we noted in last week's newsletter,

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16. 1. 2008 20:36
Zdá se,

že evidence, které sem dodává "So", pocházejí od ďábla.

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17. 1. 2008 8:01

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2008/160108pers.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Village Idiot

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