130 let


Tadičovi slibují kulku do hlavy

Týden před předčasnými parlamentními volbami v Srbsku byla dosavadnímu prezidentovi Borisi Tadičovi adresována výhrůžka smrtí. Podle vydání bulvárního deníku Blic dostal Tadić dopis, jehož autor ho kvůli podpisu asociační dohody s EU označuje za zrádce národa, který si zaslouží kulku do hlavy.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


6. 5. 2008 0:15
Z Chicaga posílá mňouky kocour.

Třeba rozšiřuje krám s věcmi pro kočku. Jiná možnost je, že si tu smlouvu někdo přečetl až do konce.

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neni krestanska izrael british v

5. 5. 2008 18:44
Buch chce spravedlivost pro vsechny

n't take the time to get into a big discussion about the Bible, but I will remind you of a few things:

1. There are more than 600 versions of "the" Bible. When you have more than 600 DIFFERENT edited interpretations of what is contained within "the" Bible, you are not dealing with a single 'authoritative' source of reference. You are dealing with over 600 DIFFERENT sources of reference, NONE of which can lay claim to infallibility.

2. The Bible is a COMPILATION of ancient and not so ancient writings. We call them "sacred" scriptures and all that, but nevertheless, we are dealing with a compilation of ancient books, tracts, epistles, diaries, journals, 'epics' (The Sumerian Epic of Ziusudra and the Story of Noah (Sumerian "Ziusudra") are one and the same), etc. High officials of the early Catholic Church had decided at various synods and councils , centuries after Christ had left the earth,

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a chteji satanickou viru

5. 5. 2008 18:45
Maji plan pro Novou Svetovou Risi

to eliminate certain books or writings from the Bible which did not concur with the official church dogma on topics such as reincarnation, for example (they eliminated the entire Book of Jubilees). Here you have men, with a vested interest in corralling spiritual thought into certain corridors of rigid belief, that are deciding WHICH words and ideas 'written by God' would be seen by the flock and which would not be seen. Does that sound to you like something that "God" would approve of?

3. The Bible is NOT the written 'Word of God' . It is the written 'Word of Men'. Every single word attributed to the "Holy Bible" was written by a mortal, flesh and blood human being. Furthermore, the 600+ versions of "the" Bible were also EDITED by mortal, flesh and blood human beings. Their ranks did not even include a single, Cherub Angel pushing the pen for them-let alone God Himself.

It's one thing to lay CLAIM to the notion that the human writers of the words in the Bible were INSPIRED by God, but to say that God Himself authored every single word in the Bible is foolishness and a contemptible falsity that is repeated over and over again by the TV evangelical brain washers and from fundamentalist pulpits around the country. Once you buy into that setup, then you're ripe for the picking, because I can then twist the words from the Bible to say ANYTHING I want it to say and then tell you that it's "God's Will", it's "God's prophesy", it's "Holy Scripture", it's "God's annointed words", it's "pre-ordained", etc., etc.

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prepsana autoritama, nebo vynech

5. 5. 2008 18:36
Biblich je na 600 ruznych verzi

I want it to say and then tell you that it's "God's Will", it's "God's prophesy", it's "Holy Scripture", it's "God's annointed words", it's "pre-ordained", etc., etc.

4. The TRUE purpose, the righteous purpose of the Bible is to INSPIRE spiritually advanced thought in its reader. We are born here on earth to LEARN spiritual lessons in a UPWARD spiritual progression back towards a reunification with God. Stories and words which get us to contemplate the desirability of employing love and forgiveness, for example, where we once held hatred and revenge is the CORRECT application and usage of the Bible.

To use the Bible as an 'authoritative' source to incite judgment against others or justify hurting others or denying others the same fruits of life which we all wish to enjoy is BLASPHEMY in its worst manifestation. Such abuse and misuse of the Bible is a DENIAL of God's unlimited love for all in His creation and an utter denial of the spiritual truths taught by Jesus Christ. There is NOTHING 'Christian' about those evengelical deceptionists who promote the British Israel scheme masquerading as the 'End Times', 'Armageddon', 'Great Tribulation', 'Rapture', etc. .

This is why I'm posting articles on the British Israel 'Kingdom of God on Earth' deception and the chapters from Helen Peters book, The Union Jack. I'm hoping to get HONEST Christians to WAKE UP to the fact that they are being deceived by Masonic FRONT MEN (Robertson, Fallwell, Graham, Schuller, etc.) working for British oligarchs and the New World Order agenda- which has as its ultimate goal, the replacement of Christianity with Satanism.

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5. 5. 2008 15:52
S lítostí oznamujeme, že dnešní antiradarová demonstrace

je vyprodaná a další vstupenky již opravdu nebudou.

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Mistr Jan Hus

5. 5. 2008 14:31
Vlastizrada se trestá smrtí !


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5. 5. 2008 15:51
Re: Vlastizrada se trestá smrtí !

To není pravda, kdyby tomu tak bylo, nejsi už dávno živý.

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5. 5. 2008 14:04
Nový dokument

trezorový dokument čt o historii konfliktu v kosovu, aneb co propaganda neřekla http://www.iskladka.cz/download.php?file=1208464342_uloupen%C3%A9+kosovo.avi

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5. 5. 2008 13:30
Do ulic!! Dnes v 17:00 na Vaclavaku DEMONSTRACE PROTI RADARU

Do ulic!! Dnes v 17:00 na Vaclavaku DEMONSTRACE PROTI RADARU!!!

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František Potřebný

5. 5. 2008 13:35
Re: Do ulic!! Dnes v 17:00 na Vaclavaku DEMONSTRACE PROTI RA

Co je to za blbost. Demonstrace je hlášena již na 15:30 !!!

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5. 5. 2008 13:22
Metody tak typické pro nacionalistické síly

všude kde se drápou nebo jsou u moci. Šovinisti umoci jen vyvolávají války a je zajímavé že tradičně vždy dostanou nakonec přes hubu. Nacionalismus jen žádá oběti a je to nejrychlejší cesta do pekel. Tím že je někdo nacionalista nestane se inteligentnějším nebo pracovitějším, ale láka a umožnuje vládu nejnižších úrovní obyvatelstva. Likviduje jakoukoliv kritiku a názorové proudy a nemá žádnou sebereflexi. Žádá nová konečná vítězství a stále nové a nové oběti. Totalitní ideologie jako komunismus nebo fanatičtí náboženští zběsilci jako je dnešní militantní islám, jsou jeho sourozenci ze stejného lůna lidské pitomosti.

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5. 5. 2008 13:42
Re: Metody tak typické pro nacionalistické síly

Uklidni se, Dušane Jasánku. Tvoje PŠM je každému soudnému člověku k smíchu. Nacionalisté v Kosovu vyvolali válku a bohužel přes hubu nedostali. Naopak, dostali plnou vojenskou podporu NATO v boji za odtržení a etnické vyčištění Kosova. Zvládli dokonce i veřejné mínění v Izraeli, aby mlčelo ke kosovskému holokaustu - tamnější Židé byli po okupaci vojsky NATO vyhnáni a ti co neutekli povražděni. Taková je skutečnost. Tak si nech své výlevy, vyčtené z Mladé fronty.  Jako nacionalisty označuješ oběti nacionalismu.  Byli snad Češi v roce 1938 nacionalisté, když nechtěli Hitlerovi vydat Sudety? V Kosovu to jde přes mezifázi: nejdříve samostatnost, pak připojení k Albánii. A už nikam nepiš, zesměšňuješ se...

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