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Hymnu na inauguraci Bidena zazpívá Lady Gaga, namísto tradičního plesu se připravuje televizní speciál s Hanksem

Hymnu Spojených států při inauguraci nastupujícího prezidenta Joea Bidena zazpívá popová hvězda Lady Gaga a na netradičně komorním ceremoniálu příští týden vystoupí také zpěvačka a herečka Jennifer Lopezová. Oznámil to štáb bývalého viceprezidenta, který se ve středu stane 46. hlavou státu. Místo tradičního inauguračního plesu se připravuje večerní televizní speciál moderovaný hercem Tomem Hanksem.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

Hlavně aby si doma nezapomněl ten hovězí steak.

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Moooc se mi libi ze cely Hollywood povazuje losera trumpa za nejhorsiho presidenta v dejinach USA jak to nedavno formuloval Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Screw up trump je smutny , ze uz nemuze verit nikomu , ani svemu vice Mike Pence.Pred uz 2. impeachement coby jediny president v historii USA se naleza stale vice v isolaci .I kdyz p. A. Spak je hluboce presvedcen , ze 74 lety loser trump se v za 4 roky ve svych 78 letech " robustne vrati , neb na to jiste ma "ja si to nemyslim. Trump se obava i financni kalamity co na nej vali.Uvazuje take o tom, jak udelit jeste do stredy 20.1.21 milost sobe a sve rodine.

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In his final days in office, screw up Trump has found the parts of the job he loved replaced by cold legal warnings and a shrinking circle of downtrodden aides, all anxiously wondering what life will be like after noon on January 20.

Gone are the clicks of flashing cameras. Absent is the roar of a cheering crowd. Instead of a commanding final full week of winning, the President is playing the role of victim !!! and not a gracious leader departing office.Pondering on a possible resignation loser Trump shut the idea down almost immediately. And he has made clear to aides in separate conversations that mere mention of President Richard Nixon, the last president to resign, were banned.Trump told people he couldn't count on Vice President Mike Pence to pardon him like Gerald Ford did Nixon, anyway.Eager for a final taste of the pomp of being president, Trump has asked for a major send-off on Inauguration Day next week, according to people familiar with the matter, before one last presidenti

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Inside WH loser Trump has been weathering a second impeachment and growing isolation from his onetime allies in sullen desolation. He has grown more and more worried about what legal or financial calamities may await him when he is no longer president, people who have spoken to him said, fueled by warnings from lawyers and advisers. He is weighing pardons, including for himself and his family, as he attempts to muster a legal team for another impeachment trial. And he is resentful of Republicans who he feels abandoned him in his hour of need, including the GOP leaders of the House and Senate.

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Špatně jsem slyšel, kdo že to zazpívá. Aha Baba Jaga.

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Frapantne kontemplativni a velmi sofistikovane jsou zdejsi diskusni prispevky zdejsich sanctae simplicitates panu j.Palecek ,R.toman, V.cirkva , s.hasek, Antonin Novotny, P.han, V.Novak , s. velicky ,j.becvar a imrych leskot typu : "franta je blbej, pepa taky ale lojza je spis chytrej ".Jedina vyjimka je zde alespon trosicku vecny prispevek J.Vaclavika i kdyz bohuzel nevim , co Chaz Bulat je . Bulat Okudzava ?

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Massa Biden a Kala, se dají do gala.

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No tam už schází jenom Frankenstein a břišní tance.

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Copak dědečku?? Prohrou Trumpa se ti zhroutil svět?? ;-D;-D;-D;-D

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Americkou hymnu? Starou ruskou píseň

Chaz Bulat udaloj,bědna saklja tvoja

Zolotuju kazňu, ja osyplju těbja...;-)

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