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Rozečtěte se v angličtině s Lidovkami. Zkuste si přečíst článek, pomůžeme vám se slovíčky i gramatikou

Segundo Aballay (75 let), majitel ranče, který je jedním z postižených nedostatkem vody v jezeře Peñuelas v Chile. Opírá se o suchý strom u silnice. (13. června 2022) foto: Reuters

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Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon

Amazon deforestation hits new record in Brazil in 2022 and the vision for the next few months is not very optimistic

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest reached a record high for the first six months of the year, as an area five times the size of New York City was destroyed, preliminary government data recently showed.

Text pochází z agentury Reuters.

From January to June, 3,988 square km were cleared in the region, according to national space research agency Inpe.

That’s an increase of 10.6% from the same months last year and the highest level for that period since the agency began compiling its current DETER-B data series in mid-2015.

Destruction rose 5.5% in June to 1,120 square km, also a record for that month of the year.

The Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest, contains vast amounts of carbon, which is released as trees are destroyed, warming the atmosphere and driving climate change.

Deforestation is creeping deeper into the forest. In the first six months of the year, Amazonas state in the heart of the rainforest recorded more destruction than any other state for the first time.


deforestation odlesňování

preliminary předběžný

compile sestavit, shromáždit

destruction zkáza, (z)ničení

vast amounts of carbon obrovské množství uhlíku

drive climate change způsobit změnu klimatu

creep plížit, vkrást se (přen.)

blaze (velký) požár, plameny

peak (vy)vrcholit

logger dřevorubec

land grabber spekulant s půdou

inevitable nevyhnutelný

right-wing pravicový

roll back oslabit, omezit

embolden sb povzbudit koho

bank on sb spoléhat (se) na koho

leftist levicový

former bývalý, někdejší

preside over vést, dohlížet na co

steep decline prudký pokles

turnaround zvrat, obrat k lepšímu

environmental policy environmentální politika

seek (to do) sth usilovat o co

capitalize on sth využít čeho

weak enforcement slabá vymahatelnost (zákona)

campaigner aktivista, bojovník

This year’s rising deforestation is also feeding unusually high levels of fire, which are likely to worsen in the months ahead, said Manoela Machado, a wildfire and deforestation researcher at Woodwell Climate Research Center and University of Oxford.

Brazil recorded the highest number of fires in the Amazon for the month of June in 15 years, although those blazes are a small fraction of what is usually seen when fires peak in August and September, according to Inpe data. Generally, after loggers extract valuable wood, ranchers and land grabbers set fires to clear the land for agriculture.

„If we have high deforestation numbers, it’s inevitable that we’re going to have high fire numbers as well,“ Machado said.

Experts in Brazil blame right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro for rolling back environmental protections and emboldening loggers, ranchers and land speculators. Bolsonaro’s office directed request for comment to the Environment Ministry, which said that considering the 12 months through June, Inpe’s data showed deforestation declined 3.8% from the same period a year earlier.

Environmentalists are banking on leftist former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who presided over a steep decline in deforestation during his presidency from 2003 to 2010, winning in October’s election for a turnaround in Brazil’s environmental policy.

Regardless, this year is likely to have high levels of deforestation and fires as loggers and land grabbers seek to capitalize on the weak enforcement ahead of a potential change in government, experts say. „It’s very difficult to be optimistic for the next few months,“ said Romulo Batista, a forest campaigner for Greenpeace Brasil.


Dnes jsme se setkali se slůvkem as, např. ve větě: „… carbon, which is released as trees are destroyed,…“

As je spojka, kterou překládáme jako protože, jelikož (podobně jako because) a používá se zpravidla, když víme, že uvedená informace je pro posluchače známá, např. „As you already know Peter, there’s no need for introductions.“

Spojka as se používá i ve významu když nebo zatímco, např. „As I was leaving, the phone rang.“

As může mít také funkci předložky ve významu jako (“He works as a waiter.“) a používá se často i při porovnávání, především ve vazbě as … as (“It will all happen as quick as a wink.“)

Přeložte (řešení na konci článku):

1. Odlesňování je tak špatné, jak se zdá. 2. Jako rodič je skvělý.

3. Vstoupila do Anglického klubu, protože se chtěla naučit mluvit anglicky.

Lekci připravila

Řešení: 1. Deforestation is as bad as it seems. 2. He is great as a parent. 3. She joined the English club, as she wanted to learn to speak English.


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