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Těšte se na plánovaný 'team building'. S námi to hravě zvládnete

  •   9:23
I toto pondělí vám Lidovky.cz ve spolupráci s jazykovou agenturou Skřivánek přináší pravidelnou lekci kurzu byznys angličtiny. Tentokrát se dozvíte, co je to team building, jaká může být jeho podoba a jak jej hravě zvládnout tak, abyste si aktivity užili a zároveň utužili vztahy s kolegy. Řešení k jednotlivým cvičením najdete opět na konci lekce.

Fill in these adjectives and adverbs using either the positive (e.g. nice) or superlative (e.g. the nicest) form:

words: successful, simply, highly, good, constant, carefully, strong, personally

text: Team building does not mean making your employees work together by 1)____ calling them a team. Team building is a process which needs to be 2)____ designed and prepared for your employees so that they feel they can benefit from the team 3)____. It means that your employees need to be 4)____ motivated in the current day society full of individuals. Current society prefers to evaluate the workers of the month, 5)____ managers, 6)____ sales people but it should rather emphasise the role of the whole team.

Team building is not only about group activities and team building events but also about 7)____ cooperation among co-workers and colleagues. Team building is an everyday activity which requires their team leader to think of their employees as of members of the team and reward their success as of a team.

8)____ motivator a manager can use in his team is self esteem. There are several steps you can take to make your employees acknowledge that they are part of a team. This feeling can be reinforced by holding meetings, posting team news on the bulletin board or you can track the performance of the employees against team goals.

Choose the correct form of the verb:

The employees 1 _______ aware that together they 2_______ much more and that even the Olympic Games winners 3_______ without the support and care of the whole team behind the particular person. This 4_______ clear to the team members as well that 5_______ it not for their assistance, the person 6_______.

1. a) have to be b) has to be c) have be

2. a) can to achieve b) can achieve c) can achieved

3. a) would not won b) would not win c) would not to win

4. a) have to be b) has to be c) have be

5. a) be b) was c) were

6. a) would not win b) would not to have won c) would not have won

There are several aspects of team building which create the whole team and improve the relations at work regardless the reason for team building. The reasons for team building can include:

Try to list the possible reasons for teambuilding:

___________, __________________, ______________, _____________, ________________, _______________

Look at the text below and insert the synonyms for the following words into the gaps.

Go after-  

If your team is built properly, the employees will feel the commitment and they should consider their mission important and 1)____. The individual employees know that they are capable members of the team and that they have the knowledge required. And even though they are 2)____ and they have enough freedom they are also aware of that they are controlled and they understand the boundaries and know how far they can go in 3)____ their goals. On the other hand, the employees have to understand what the word team means, thus they have to work together, cooperate, improve each other´s work and come up with 4)_____ opinions and solution while they should be able to solve the conflicts and choose the best 5)_____.

Team relationships and effectiveness can be improved by several types of exercise and activities such as:

Can you think of some of these types of exercise?

1)_______ exercise

2)_______ exercise

3)_______ exercise

4)_______ exercise

The example activities can be for example various sports and team games such as basketball or volleyball. Or the team can try several games such as Road Map Game which combines creativity, cooperation and improvisation when groups of employees have to plan the best trip with a certain amount of money. Another tip is Question Cookies Game in which group members first prepare questions and then are given a cookie with a question inside to answer. The members should have the clear idea that this game concentrates only on the team and too personal questions would not improve the relationship as somebody might feel offended. Conversely, they can use these types of questions and tasks:

Name someone in the group who is the "glue” and state why.
State three strengths of the group.
Who is the first person you remember meeting in this group and why?

There are like tens of these activities you can choose from and try out and enjoy with your team. Either you can use some agencies providing companies with these services or you can just get inspired and come up with your own team building activity and you will soon realize that better cooperation of team members leads to better results.

Test your knowledge HERE

Correct answers

Fill in these adjectives... 1) simply, 2) carefully, 3) personally, 4) highly, 5) the best, 6) the most successful, 7) constant, 8) the strongest

Choose the correct form... 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c

Try to list the possible.... getting to know each other, motivating a team, identifying and using the strengths of team members, improving team productivity, improving motivation or simply making the workplace more enjoyable

Look at the text bellow.... Answer - solution, Presumptuous - confident, Priceless - valuable, Go after - pursue, Miscellaneous - diverse - 1) valuable, 2) confident, 3) pursuing, 4) diverse, 5) solutions

Can you think of some.....
1) Communication exercise
2) Problem solving/Decision making exercise
3) Planning/Adaptability exercise
4) Trust exercise

Jazyková agentura Skřivánek

Skřivánek je největší jazykovou agenturou ve střední a východní Evropě. Na trhu jazykových služeb působí již od roku 1994. Kanceláře a učebny agentury Skřivánek najdete v 22 městech ČR a v dalších 13 zemích světa.
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Autoři: Lidovky.cz
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