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Instagram vs. realita. ‚Nejste tlusté, jen špatně otočené k fotografovi‘

Bloggerka Sara Puhtová, kterou na Instagramu sleduje 323 tisíc lidí, se snaží o osvětu. Na svém účtu zveřejňuje „instagramové“ a reálné fotografie. Rozdíl mezi nimi je patrný na první pohled. Podívejte se.

Instagram vs realita. Nejste tlusté, jen špatně otočené k fotografovi foto: Instagram

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Chasing perfection  Before I went on holiday I fell back into old negative thoughts and kept seeing photos of people in bikinis and wanted to look like them. I started disliking how my body looked because it didn’t look lean and toned 24/7. Don’t allow social media, or anything, or anyone else make you think you aren’t good enough. You shouldn’t have to suck in your tummy and make your body look a certain way to be happy with a photo. You shouldn’t feel the need to delete a photo of you having fun and making memories because your brain convinced you that you don’t look good enough. I can make my body look smaller from certain angles, by sucking in and flexing ridiculous amounts. But that’s not how I really look 99% of the time. Society has convinced us that this is “aesthetic”. But we need to realize there is beauty in everyone and in being human. You are not the negative thoughts that your brain tells you. You deserve to be comfortable in your skin and not worry about what you look like when you sit down and have your tummy touch your thighs. Don’t hate and punish yourself for things that are completely normal and human. Don’t think that your body needs to look any particular way, because its amazing the way it is now. You don’t have to change yourself. ------------------------------------------ . . . . #instagramvsreality #mybody #flatstomach #loveyourbody #selfesteem #loa #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique

Příspěvek sdílený Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Lidé na Instagramu svým přátelům a vlastně tak trochu celému světu ukazují jen to, co chtějí, aby ostatní viděli. To už je dnes víceméně jasné každému. Problém jsou dospívající děti, kterým často instagramová fikce s realitou splývá. 

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

Instagram isn’t reality  It’s really frustrating when you’re having a bad body image day and you take photos of yourself and can only focus on the bad photos and all the “flaws” you see in them. It’s difficult to get out of a bad body image rut. Especially when we compare our everyday bodies to posed and seemingly flawless photos on social media. Its hard to control our thoughts and lately I’ve been thinking things like “you shouldn’t be eating that. You looked better before. You should work out more”. These thoughts aren’t productive. Stop bullying yourself into thinking you aren’t allowed to enjoy life. Nobody is flawless and everyone has “bad photos” we just choose what and what not to share on social media in order to put out a good image of ourselves. You are beautiful the way you are, including the “bad” photos because they’re still you and you’re amazing. Don’t obsess too much over these things and miss out on all the amazing things in life that are right in front of you. ☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #candidphoto #instagramvsreality #mybody #flatstomach #loveyourbody #selfesteem #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique

Příspěvek sdílený Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Sara Puhto proto zveřejňuje fotografie, které od sebe dělí jen pár okamžiků a jiná póza, ale je nejdůležitější, protože dokazuje, jak moc je spolu s úhlem důležitá. Svým instagramovým profilem propaguje to, aby si především dospívající dívky nemyslely, že dokonalé modelky na sociálních sítích jsou fikce a že ani ona sama není perfektní. 

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Instagram vs reality  I used to always lay in specific way to avoid looking “bigger”. Years ago I thought that if I had abs my tummy would be flat all the time. But that’s not true at all, in reality we all have tummy fat. Our tummies bunch together, make rolls, our skin bends. We all have different bodies. Don’t let the way you feel about your body stop you from enjoying yourself. Don’t let your insecurities stop you from making memories. Cause in a few years you want to think back and remember all the fun you had with your friends and not think about the fact that you left early because you didn’t feel good about yourself or because someone took a “bad” photo of you. Next time you feel this way remember that you are your own worst critic. Our bodies look different in different positions. Neither is worse than the other just because one isn’t glorified on media. Your body is normal. Your body is worthy. You do not need to change yourself. You are absolutely amazing the way you are ☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #embracethesquish #youareworthy #bodypositive #stopcomparing #bikinibodies #effyourbeautystandards #bodyimage #loveyourbody #bodyacceptance

Příspěvek sdílený Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

Lying on your back vs lying sideways  You know when you lie down on your back and feel leaner than normal, but when you lie on your side and all your tummy fat gathers together and all of a sudden you feel slightly insecure? Well you shouldn’t because it’s a completely normal thing that happens to everyone!! I used to get upset seeing all these lean people posing like the first photo and comparing it to my body while lying in bed like the second photo. Our bodies look different in different positions. We should love our bodies both ways because there is nothing wrong with either of them!! We can’t compare our bodies to anyone’s. We’re all unique and we all come in different shapes and sizes. No one is better than someone else because of their body. We are all equal. Our bodies do not define our worth and we should not let our insecurities control our everyday thoughts. You are amazing the way you are and you don’t need to change yourself!! ☀️ ------------------------------------------ . . . #bodypositive #stopcomparing #bikinibodies #effyourbeautystandards #weareallbeautiful #embracethesquish #bodyimage #loveyourbody #bodyacceptance

Příspěvek sdílený Sara Puhto (@saggysara),

Témata: Instagram